What If ‘God’ Is a Metaphor for Energy?

Published by
Nick Harding, B.Sc.

This article contains opinions that may be viewed as controversial. My intention is not to offend anybody, only to explain my beliefs in theology and what I, personally, have decided is logical.

As a resident of our universe, we all have some opinion on a higher power or governing force behind existence; even if this opinion is that there is nothing out there. Our entire world history can be tracked by religious beliefs and mythology which have been commonly used as a means to comfort through explaining the unknown.

The religions which are currently followed and the higher powers which are currently worshiped belong to classifications that have adapted and transformed throughout time.

Some broad perspectives can be sub-categorized, like Christianity being divided into different groups, Lutheran, Catholic, Methodist, etc. just by the details of what is regarded as important.

Now that’s a debate – what (or who) defines that which is more important.

Keeping on with the Christianity analogy referencing various sub-classifications, note that the foundational principles, the cornerstones and mortar which hold it all together, are the same between each classification.

Fundamentally, the key components are Heaven, Hell, God, Commandments.

Those who are good people and follow the important rules, including accepting Christ as your savior, will ultimately spend an eternity in Heaven.

Those who are bad people and neglect the rules, turning their backs on their religious guidings and not seeking to repent for their sins, will ultimately spend an eternity in Hell. The rest of the division into different classifications, as I boldly consider segregation of Church, is actually purely based on morality.

Some will be more likely to “spare the rod and spoil the child” while others see that type of reinforcement as sin incarnate. Others yet will even put specific commandments above the others, while some believe that simply praying and asking for atonement on a nightly basis is sufficient regardless of action or intention.

Further religious segregation can be attributed to many things, some (outside of Christianity, now) which are comprised of many gods.

It’s a little odd, I think, that large masses of our population can follow a religion which specifically states it is a sin to worship any other Gods than the one true God, while other large masses follow a religion which observes hundreds of entities as higher powers.

One side of the spectrum worships an individual deity for each aspect of our observed lives – a god of the sun, the lord of wind, the god of harvest, and the spirit of the woods. The other side of the spectrum worships a singular entity that governs everything alone.

The absolute conflict between these perspectives is perturbing, isn’t it?

Wouldn’t it mean that whoever is wrong is going to suffer an eternity of punishment for improper beliefs? Then, in an attempt to bring salvation to groups of people throughout the world and history, people have continually killed one another in a holy war – murder, at it’s best.

Some Christians in history actually used their “faith” as justification to spread fear through rape and pillaging after slaughtering the bulk of societies. Is this not a sin? Who is right? Who gets to exist in prosperous sanctity for having chosen the “good guy’s” side?

Now is the controversial part – I believe they’re all wrong because I believe they’re all right.

In my eyes – in my honest and logic-based belief system – God is all of these things. The bible, which is observed by all sub-classifications of Christianity, in my perspective, is mostly a compilation of metaphor.

It is taught that metaphor is the highest form of language; wouldn’t the explanation of life and all driving factors behind morality be defined through the highest form of language?

Considering the vast amount of things that are to be covered, a few thousand pages wouldn’t be nearly enough to actually define life, origination, creation, expansion, and everything else the bible preaches.

Thousands of people have their own understanding, and preach this notion, and claim it’s the truth. In a previous article, I stated that every one of these beliefs is correct in its own capacity because the person who truly believes it makes it correct for their own reality.

I do believe in God.

I may not believe in the conventionally preached aspirations associated with the entity; I may not believe that every story in the bible is 100% infallible truth, but I do believe in the associated positivity with the notion.

I do not think that God is a singular being – I do not believe that God is a sentient consciousness that witnesses, governs, judges, forgives, and outlives. I believe that God IS creation. I believe that God is all positivity, all good energy, and does have a physical and spiritual source location in the universe.

I believe that when we do well and feel good about it, we are drawing on God’s energy. When we are happy, we have God in us. When we are telling ourselves everything is going to be alright during a hard time, we are reaching into the astral form, the energy base of our Lord.

I believe that God exists as all that is good, all that prospers, all that will be cherished. In much the same way, the devil exists as negative energy – as our fears, our shortcomings, our greed, our selfish endeavors, our hate, our envy, and everything which makes us miserable.

God is love and the energy we draw on, recycled back to the singular entity, filling all, and within all – vengeful, yes, because of the strength of this prosperity.

View Comments

  • The Trinity
    Three separate or interchangeable entities under one Godhead

    As Einstein's equation is ONE equation that can be transformed into 3 different states (Energy, Mass and Speed of Light) the Trinity is ONE Godhead that can exist as 3 separate or distinct entities, namely Energy, Light and Mass/Matter.

    The relationship between science and Creation is similar to Einstein's Equation, E = mc^2

    where E = Energy, God, the Father
    m = mass, Jesus Christ, the Son
    c = speed of light, Holy Spirit, the Mother

    The Holy Spirit is light and wisdom and is able to travel faster than light's speed, as was done in the first days of Creation. Notice the family unit (Father, Mother, Son) associated with the Godhead. This family unit is what God intended for His Creation when He stated, "Be fruitful and multiply."

  • I really connect with your views, which is how I ended up here I suppose. lol. I was raised a catholic but questioned everything from a very young age. In religion and science class, my questions were not appreciated and always unanswered; so I looked for those answers on my own.
    I also have been very curious about the Trinity in relation to E=Mc2. It is fascinating food for thought. I tend to think of God as being the main source of energy, seeing as energy is the power behind everything and God.is everything. However, I still think God is beyond an explanation such as energy.
    I think God will always be beyond our grasp of knowledge, as Einstein once said, "To sense that behind everything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly: this is religiousness. In this sense...I am a devoutly religious man. ”In response to a young girl who had asked him whether he believed in God, he wrote: "everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe—a Spirit vastly superior to that of man.”
    It is my belief that science can merely try to explain God's amazing creations but will never be able to clarify or justify what's behind all of it. There will always be theories but that is all.

  • I couldn't have read an article more spot on to the way I personally see things, than this one. Thank you, sir! My heart has been warmed.

  • Ultimate beyond energy is the almighty.

    Everything that goes beyond our imagination evolves and that energy is the almighty.

    in yoga in my view concentration is on muscles, bones and blood including nerves etc.

    in Jin Shin Jyutsu, japanese form of excercise the concentration is only on energy flows in the body to heal all issues. It is time tested and it works,

    The driving force of this energy is God as it helps physical, mental and all forms of state of all beings including humans.

    With due respect to all religions, they are a method created to control the masses in every possible way and all the literature is directed towards that.

    Only very few persons understand this and they are able to manage the mind etc to have life of minimum stress if not stress free life.

    This is my personal view and I need no credit and claim no super knowledge etc.

    Om Shanti

Published by
Nick Harding, B.Sc.