What Is an Ambivert and How to Find Out If You Are One

Published by
Amie Moses, B.Sc., B.A.

Introvert this, extrovert that… Not a day goes by that I don’t see an article that talks about the problems that these personality types face.

Things only introvert or extroverts will understand!” Well, what about the ambiverts? Wait?! What?!

I have been an extrovert for the better part of my life, or at least I thought I was. Come to think of it, maybe I’ve been an introvert all of my life? On the one hand, I thrive within the company of others. It energizes me, but THEN, it drains me. On the other hand, I also enjoy my quiet time alone to reflect, but THEN, I’m lonely and my thoughts are all over the place.

I never really “fit” into either category very well. Personality test results are always inconclusive for me. I appear to be all over the place. Well, it turns out that I am both an introvert and extrovert, or neither, depending on the context of how you look at things. I’m not confused, I’m just an ambivert. The term “ambivert” may be new to you, but it may also define and shed some light on your own personality type.

To simplify it, an ambivert is a person who has both introversion and extroversion qualities and may bounce between the two. Sounds a tad bi-polar, right? It can seem that way sometimes, but honestly, it’s more of a need for balance.

The ambivert loves social settings and being around others, but we also need our solitude. Too much time on either the introvert or extrovert side will make us moody and unhappy. Balance is the key for us ambiverts!

Understanding the Ambivert

An ambivert is rather balanced for the most part, or at least we try to be. We seek social settings, like meeting new people, and enjoy the company of others. We aren’t overly loud and aggressive like the extrovert can be, but we enjoy being outgoing and do so on our own terms. We also enjoy our solitude but aren’t quite as extreme with it as the introvert. We need both settings rather equally to be fully happy.

As I mentioned above, we don’t function too well in either direction for extensive amounts of time. We can neither be the life of the party all the time nor constantly spend time on our own. When this happens, we may find ourselves feeling bored or exhausted. Again, we need balance.

With that being said, the ambivert can sometimes be confusing to others. Having both traits, we can sway too far in either direction rather easily. Our behaviors are likely to change with the situation, and we can easily become “unbalanced.” We enjoy doing something… until we don’t. These behavior “fluctuations” are a result of our need to stay balanced between the different levels of stimulation.

Because we are in the middle of the introvert-extrovert spectrum, we are flexible creatures.

We have our personal preferences, of course, but we adjust pretty well in most situations (as long as we don’t stay there too long and get bored or unbalanced). Ambiverts can work well alone or in groups. We can take charge or step down when the situation calls for it. We also have game plans in order for most things or potential problems that may arise. On the downside, this level of flexibility can cause us to be indecisive.

An ambivert also has a pretty good understanding of people overall and different surroundings/settings. We are highly intuitive and can sense the emotions of others while likely being able to relate to them in many ways. We aren’t afraid to talk, but we also like to observe and listen. Ambiverts are likely to know when to help or stay back.

The truth is, personality goes way beyond a simple label.

Having some understanding of the different traits can help you to know yourself and others better and perhaps make you more successful in your daily life. So, if you can relate to the above, you just may be an ambivert too.

Do you think you might be an ambivert? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

View Comments

  • This fits me too a tee. Most people would consider me a somewhat aggressive personality , not berligerent but someone whom is forceful in his assertions. I've been a Professional Sales person all my adult life & enjoyed it for the most part . However I really enjoy my quiet time, reading , thinking, meditating and really really don't like to be disturbed in the interim . Balance is key , particularly since I'm a Libra, but I'm not the quiet psssive type. But the description here really fits me to a tee. Looking forward to learning more about it !
    Thank You.

  • Thank you, I've always felt I was somewhere in the middle and now I know the name, this is great. I absolutely go nuts if I'm too far in either direction for too long

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Published by
Amie Moses, B.Sc., B.A.