What Is an Empath and How to Find Out If You Are One

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.

What is an empath? This article will shed light on energy-sensitive empaths and will help you find out if you are one of them.

All of us, at some point in our lives, come to a stage where we finally grasp a full understanding of what kind of personality and special abilities we have. Some of us realise sooner, while others take a little more time.

Either way, learning about your emotional and psychological strengths is essential to not only enhance your own life experience, but also others’.

Many of us upon ‘waking up’ learn that we have an innate ability to understand and fully appreciate the mentality and emotions of other people. Of course, this specialty comes with the added perks of possessing high intelligence and naturally being a wonderful help for others.

This is what being an empath means – however, it’s not all rosy; empaths carry a very heavy emotional burden because of how many feelings they take on.

Most of us, if not all of us, always take full responsibility for our feelings and emotions; we understandably think that it comes directly from inside us.

So what does it mean to be sensitive to energy? Few know of this concept; that is, our thoughts and emotions can actually be born as a result of the people around us and closest to us.

Here are 8 characteristics that can help you identify an energy-sensitive empath.

1. You are ‘too’ sensitive

People always tell you that you are too sensitive. You tend to feel a lot more than those around you and those feelings can overwhelm you, leaving you feeling alone.

2. You can’t watch violent films or TV

Even though it’s fake, you still can’t bear to watch any violence. You start putting yourself in the character’s shoes and it can be too overwhelming to bear. You feel the exact emotions that would be felt in that situation and end up in an emotional mess.

3. You can’t handle crowds

Being around too many people results in too much transfer of energy. This can be dangerously overwhelming for an empath, as it completely wears them out and makes them feel exhausted. Because of this, empaths usually try to avoid large gatherings and prefer smaller groups.

4. You are hypersensitive to energy

So much so that you can even feel someone’s emotions when they are not physically present with you. You are able to pick up emotions easily and may need to ask yourself who they belong to – are they yours or someone else’s?

When these energy fields get mixed it can be difficult to distinguish at first, but getting into this habit can save you a lot of hurt and suffering.

5. You always spot a lie

Because energy fields are your forte, if there is even a small shift in energy, you immediately pick up on it. When someone lies, not only does their energy field change but so does their body language. You are a master at both, so lie detecting is almost like child’s play to you.

6. You are hypersensitive

Not to be confused with point number one – you are literally hypersensitive when it comes to your senses. Bright lights, smells, touches or sounds are overwhelming. It could be said that you are sensitive to all kinds of energy, not just emotional or psychological energy.

7. You have very strong intuition

You just know things. Without any evidence or proof, before any solid facts are given, you can just tell. A common example of your well-developed intuition is knowing someone is bad news just by looking at them. It’s all part of being sensitive to energy; you can read situations very well.

8. You instinctively avoid energy suckers

You are great at denying any relationships or people that could drain your energy. Your past experiences, plus your intuitive nature have taught you well enough how to detect any of these dangers from a fair distance.

You have enough on your plate with everyone’s emotions and energies that you are already carrying – the last thing you need is any more emotional burden.

Are there any you can relate to? Let us know what you think in the comment box below!

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    • Also, sensitive to animals. I can't watch a commercial for ASPCA. Also, went to see Tarzan recently. I kept my fingers in my ears and eyes closed mostly. Even though I kept telling myself it was only a movie, the cruelty, violence and harm done to animals was unbearable to me.

  • my understanding of reality began with my college disproof of matter. in the decade following, it came to be a disproof of space + time as well. physical sensation is the result of an energetic vibration wisely referred to as the ultimate + absolute, hence our sole existence. the illusion of matter + consequent separation is a result of this energy's organization, which is (and yet becoming) optimal. it is the equivalent of numerous microcosms of matter struggling to organize themselves into one, hence our taste for organization + cleanliness, or the strong appeal of love. we are not fond of antagonistic forces or loneliness, and as the ultimate, are consequently subjected to an utter loneliness, which offers an explanation for our existence as the ultimate's imaginations. in constant evolution we are, on our way to an eternal paradise of optimal organization. instantaneous, yet eternal, experiencing the hell we subject ourself to (carnivorism + factory farms are prime examples) as translated into the fear of a nightmare.

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Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.