What Is an Old Soul and How to Recognize If You Are One

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.

Have you ever been told that you are an old soul?

Everyone knows at least one person who was considered an outcast, an antisocial – that one person (or perhaps child) who always stood out from the rest. Someone who would somehow always find themselves isolated. Maybe you were that person who did not share the interests and thought patterns of those around you and in your age group.

There is a very unique and special type of person who finds themselves in this situation, usually from a very young age. Not because they harbor reclusive tendencies or any social anxiety disorder, but simply because they are an old soul. They walk a separate and solitary life which is different yet very peaceful and fulfilling.

Here is a list of 8 tell-tale signs that could help you identify one.

1. You enjoy being alone

Since the people of your age group tend to have interests and pursuits that are of no interest to you, you find it difficult to make friends with and keep long-lasting relationships with them. Of course, as a result, you would rather keep your own company and do your own thing.

2. You realise life is short

Because you have a good grasp on reality and life as a whole, you often think about death and how fragile life really is. This can sometimes make you seem depressing or withdrawn, but in actual fact, it means you enjoy life more. You live in the moment and appreciate it to its fullest.

3. You love pursuing knowledge

Old souls love learning. They are attracted to pursuing the truth and gaining as much wisdom as they can from their life experience. For them, knowledge is power and they would much rather spend their time learning anything they can, as opposed to wasting time on superficial things like reading celebrity news or gossiping with their neighbors.

4. You lean towards spirituality

As their title suggests, old souls show levels of sensitivity and great maturity in comparison to their age. Since they constantly pursue peace, spirituality is a huge attraction to them. Spiritual teachings and disciplines that could take a lifetime to understand (such as enlightenment and taming the ego) an old soul can grasp naturally and effortlessly.

5. You have an introspective nature

Old souls are deep thinkers. They talk less and think more – about every little thing. Not only are their heads filled with all kinds of knowledge but they also reflect more on their experiences and surroundings. Because of this, they learn so many valuable life lessons at a younger age, which of course makes them feel older.

6. You are not a crowd follower

Blindly following is not your style. You won’t mindlessly conform and comply with things, you will always question and explore at your will before committing to a cause. And if you do not agree with the majority, you are not afraid to stand out.

7. You did not fit in as a child

As a child growing up you always knew you were different from the rest. You may have been labelled as rebellious, but, in fact, you were just overly mature for your age. Your intelligence shone through by genuine understanding and questioning but adults saw this as resistance that needed to be disciplined.

8. You are not materialistic

Old souls have no interest in things that can break or be taken away from them. They focus on irreplaceable things that bring them lasting fulfilment and joy, not just temporary pleasure. Anything that is short-lived, it’s likely that an old soul will not care for it.

Can you relate to the above-described points? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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  • Very interesting reactions. And now.. let me ask all who read all the way through the comments of this revealing and conforting article about the old souls.
    Isn't it weird yet special to read other old souls speaking out and trying to be heard. Why!.. yes it is
    We as old souls, tend to embarc in isolated crusades or leave the normal lives to the younger souls who are yet to live through all that we already did (some of us many many times around). It is fun to see we are a few out there but with no easy way of identifying ourselves or contacting others alike.
    I propose, a way of changing that.
    Remember the 60's? I bet there were a bunch of old souls directing and creating movements and groups all over specially to break out the obsolete ways. It takes a lot of energy and a lot of old souls to start something like that.
    Now, who is up for a different kind of experiment?
    How about if I create an account say.. in instagram, with the words @old_souls_seeking_equals , sound?
    Just for fun, for kicks.. see who reaches out
    See.. if another peace and love movements starts,

    The way I see it..is that part of the fun or burden of being an old soul and being here.. in old earth, surrounded mostly by clumsy and infantile younger souls, is the solitude that this bring to us. I believe that if we could engage within ourselves. In many cases, the experience could truly be something amazing not just a long wait for the next good thing. No more dealing with insensitive ignorant youngsters solely. No more having to work so hard to be heard or understood by common blank souls that at best only listen with out having anything juicy to say back..
    I've always dreamed about meeting other old souls and establishing true worth living conexion and learn from them or simply interact at our level. It would be amazing to live something like that. I do understand mostly we are here to guide and to help out. But common on.. it gets so boring to only deal with kids all the time.

    Being an old soul, and I know I'm one. feels quite a non stop job, but I know part of the experience of living. Is to have fun while living through it

    Let's meet each other see if we are in similar boats and share the heck out of each others wisdom, love and many many lives lived over and over again

  • So gratetul I stumbled on this article. Before now, I had always wondered why as a kid i never did fit in, and till this moment, i find the sense of reasoning of most poeple of my age grade so strange. Passing through this article, it reflects my life, every single point of it. Strange but true. Thanks Mariya, for this!

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.