What Is Synchronicity and How to Recognize the Signs of It in Your Life

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.

What is synchronicity?

The term synchronicity (syn = with, chronos = time) was chosen by the psychotherapist Jung to describe the simultaneous occurrence of events (or coincidences) which apparently have no clear cause, but are deeply meaningful.

Some would say that coincidences are random, but if we look carefully into our lives, we realize it is not so. Every word or sounds we hear and people we meet are merely a simple coincidence. They appear in our lives when we need them most as answers to our inner doubts or questions.

Moreover, synchronicities can be guides when we do not know what to choose or what to change in our lives. It is like someone from above hears our silent prayers and talks to us through other people, images or events. As a matter of fact, Einstein described coincidences as being “God’s way of remaining unknown”.

Synchronicity connects the material world to the spiritual world through symbols that are not always understood and which arise from the collective unconscious.

For example, if we’d go buy something and we encounter a neighbor we dislike, that is not a pure chance! Our spiritual guide may have wanted to tell us that our needs are not different from his own and that we should not consider ourselves better than he is.

Examples of synchronicity in your life

1)    The same numbers keep showing up over and over in your life.

2)    You have met someone out of the blue who talked about an event or said some sentences which in fact sounded like answers to that you have been asking yourself recently.

3)    Perfect timing! Things happen for you just when you need them most.

4)    Help and support appear in your life when you expect less from people you never met before.

Of course, the list of synchronicities can be endless and subjective as synchronicity is a more complex phenomenon. These are a few general examples that we all experience at a certain point in our lives. The best way to recognize your synchronicities is to “think less and feel more”, listen to your intuition. By being in tune with your inner voice, you can understand the outer signs easier.

Intuition is usually validated by an external magic event. Therefore, if you seek an answer and you randomly read a sentence in a newspaper or watch a video related to your current situation, you will feel a revelation. Then you should ask yourself if that is the answer you were waiting for.

A good representation of synchronicities can be seen in the movie Winter’s Tale. The movie beautifully illustrates the presence of positive and negative forces that can influence our decisions as well as the presence of symbols that can guide us to our destiny.

There’s no such thing as coincidence, I say. It’s synchronicity.
-Raven Kaldera

If you think you have experienced synchronicities which made a difference in our life, please share them with us and help other people recognize theirs.


  1. Durant, R. (2002). Synchronicity: a post‐structuralist guide to creativity and change. Journal of OrgChange Mgmt, 15(5), pp.490-501.
  2. Hedden, B. (2016). Mental Processes and Synchronicity. Mind, 125(499), pp.873-888.

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  • I have been researching cities in the state of Georgia, narrow down to the city Of Covington. google NBA player Simmons for Phila ( its the playoff,, go Rockets) there is a you tube video during the video Simmons refer to player Covington, next day watching Texans on ESPN showing the draft player Covington drafted by Texans. If I see covington again (this week ) I am moving to GA.......Synchronicity I happen there is a word to describe what I have experience for awhile coincidently all POSITIVE outcomes

  • Mine is the number 8. My houses numbers , my cellphones , my cars plate numbers , my birthday

  • It first started with the two red birds I would see on a daily basis. My two grandfathers passed away of different cancers, as I was diagnosed with cancer (im 22). Next was the monarch butterfly that would slowly float on by making sure I saw them. I see the 11:11 time almost daily. An angel gave me a check in my time of need moving places. I see 11:22 my birthdate, 12:34 daily. Honestly both hours of the day. I’m sensing a pattern. Im working to get in film, and survived cancer, and see things that haven’t happened. Help!!

    • Are you still working to get in film?

      Been seeing A LOT of 111 and 222s in the past month. I was also diagnosed with cancer at 22. I am also trying to get in film. Felt the need to reach out.

  • I thought of an aunt I had not thought of for years. The next day I received notice of her passing and a remarkable inheritance! Randomly looking at clocks I see 11:11 frequently!
    Thought of a grade school friend then they appeared on a social network the next day!

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.
Tags: intuition