What Is Synchronicity and How to Recognize the Signs of It in Your Life

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.

What is synchronicity?

The term synchronicity (syn = with, chronos = time) was chosen by the psychotherapist Jung to describe the simultaneous occurrence of events (or coincidences) which apparently have no clear cause, but are deeply meaningful.

Some would say that coincidences are random, but if we look carefully into our lives, we realize it is not so. Every word or sounds we hear and people we meet are merely a simple coincidence. They appear in our lives when we need them most as answers to our inner doubts or questions.

Moreover, synchronicities can be guides when we do not know what to choose or what to change in our lives. It is like someone from above hears our silent prayers and talks to us through other people, images or events. As a matter of fact, Einstein described coincidences as being “God’s way of remaining unknown”.

Synchronicity connects the material world to the spiritual world through symbols that are not always understood and which arise from the collective unconscious.

For example, if we’d go buy something and we encounter a neighbor we dislike, that is not a pure chance! Our spiritual guide may have wanted to tell us that our needs are not different from his own and that we should not consider ourselves better than he is.

Examples of synchronicity in your life

1)    The same numbers keep showing up over and over in your life.

2)    You have met someone out of the blue who talked about an event or said some sentences which in fact sounded like answers to that you have been asking yourself recently.

3)    Perfect timing! Things happen for you just when you need them most.

4)    Help and support appear in your life when you expect less from people you never met before.

Of course, the list of synchronicities can be endless and subjective as synchronicity is a more complex phenomenon. These are a few general examples that we all experience at a certain point in our lives. The best way to recognize your synchronicities is to “think less and feel more”, listen to your intuition. By being in tune with your inner voice, you can understand the outer signs easier.

Intuition is usually validated by an external magic event. Therefore, if you seek an answer and you randomly read a sentence in a newspaper or watch a video related to your current situation, you will feel a revelation. Then you should ask yourself if that is the answer you were waiting for.

A good representation of synchronicities can be seen in the movie Winter’s Tale. The movie beautifully illustrates the presence of positive and negative forces that can influence our decisions as well as the presence of symbols that can guide us to our destiny.

There’s no such thing as coincidence, I say. It’s synchronicity.
-Raven Kaldera

If you think you have experienced synchronicities which made a difference in our life, please share them with us and help other people recognize theirs.


  1. Durant, R. (2002). Synchronicity: a post‐structuralist guide to creativity and change. Journal of OrgChange Mgmt, 15(5), pp.490-501.
  2. Hedden, B. (2016). Mental Processes and Synchronicity. Mind, 125(499), pp.873-888.

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  • I have been looking for a word to describe my experiences. Synchronicity is the word. I can bring things to me. Example: My husband was having trouble bending over to load the laundry because of health problems. I suggested we get bases for the machines which would raise the height. Several days later our neighbor set out a broken washer and dryer. They had bases that matched our machines. Bingo, This has happened to me over and over. Sometimes things show up that I didn't realize I needed it until I saw them. Most times I just credit St. Anthony.

  • In July, 1973 A graduate school classmate of mine was kidnapped and murdered in a totally nonsensical event when four fellows decided to use her auto in a nearby bank heist. Within a month or so, I started bumping into people who were involved in event... a young fellow who worked in the funeral home where her viewing initially took place and later two young women who were writers for the local newspaper. This was in Carbondale, Illinois. My classmate and her husband were from the Springfield, MA/Enfield,CT are. This was back when there was no internet and over the years I was curious what the whole story was. Fast forward to around 2010. I had retired from my state job and had more time to investigate this event,, plus the internet was very helpful in obtaining connections. I was able to reconnect via email to this classmate's husband with information obtained through the college alumni office of the college in Springfield, MA where the classmate and her husband obtained their undergraduate degrees. Up until then I had no idea where her husband lived or how to contact him. I determined to visit her hometown of Enfield, CT and also through obituaries of her family obtained the name of the cemetery in Enfield where she was buried. In the meantime, I wanted to obtained information on Enfield and found a site with photos of the town which also the contributor's name and email address. I contacted him, hoping to obtain a photo of her grave site. He emailed me back informing me that he knew her when he was growing up in Enfield and had lived within two blocks of the family's home! I determined to visit Enfield and traveled there via AMtrak. The gentlemen I had contacted via email was able to greet me at the Springfield Amtrak station, take me to nearby Enfield and drove me by my classmate's grave site ... and the house that her family had lived in. While I was visiting Enfield for about three days, I felt that a virtual red carpet had been laid out for my visit. How is this for synchronicity? I have also followed the lives of the two brothers who were the kingpins of her murder. They were convicted in the late 1970s to federal prison. One died in 2016 at age 68 in the federal prison in Butner, NC. His brother is 72 and is at one of the supermax prisons in Florence, CO where the Uni-bomber resides.

  • I have experienced many strange happenings my adult life.
    My absolute proof was on the wedding day of Prince.Charles and
    Diana. I wad not a fan but on that day I wss watching it all day and became obsessed! I drove everyone crazy talking about it!
    I had a motel at the time, and after dinner all my guests took off and my family too! I was alone!
    A car pulled into my driveway with 3 Indian (Hindu) and asked for
    a room. I had one left. Signing in I began to chatter about the wedding, which I knew was ridiculous! They said they had just come from London. I could not believe that did not stay for the festivities, and I had watched it all day!
    One spoke to me and said to come over to the car. He opened the trunk and pulled something out. He said, "Put out your hand.". He placed in it a commemorative silver crown, in a red case, of the wedding with Queen Elizabeth on the back. I stood there amazed and offered to pay for it. No he said, I know you want this! The next day they left, waving goodbye. This was no coincidence!


  • Number 12 or I guess any number divisible by 3
    I was 12 years old and I moved from my birth county and moved to India after 12 years I moved to Canada after 12 years I moved to America and after 12 years I met my wife, it’s so crazy that every 12 years huge events takes place. I was born on 21st of Jan. again 2 &1 my wife on 12th Dec. The months are far from each other yet it’s close.

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.
Tags: intuition