10 Job Positions with the Highest Depression Rates

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

Is your occupation on this list of the jobs with the highest depression rates?

Although the following article has no purpose to prevent or discourage anyone from choosing or continuing a particular job, the sad truth is that some employees are more likely to present signs of depression because of the conditions of their work.

10 Job Positions with the Highest Depression Rates

1. Residential/nursing care

Those working in the field of care for children or people who need help justifiably hold a place among the most difficult occupations. A typical day on the job includes feeding, cleaning, and physical and mental care for people who basically not only cannot serve their own but are unable to express their gratitude.

The psychological ties are particularly strong, and those who work in this area are more prone to depressive emotional states because of the difficult circumstances in their daily lives.

2. Waiters

This category of professionals is one of the most depressive ones. In essence, it is a poorly paid job with long hours of standing and a lot of people telling you what to do (chef, assistant chef and all sorts of customers).

3. Social workers

This job is obviously expected to be on the list of most depressive professions. Dealing with issues such as, for example, child abuse and being responsible for finding a solution is not easy. Indeed, this job is so demanding, especially on a psychological level, that it hardly leaves one’s personal life unaffected.

4. Teachers and professors

The ever-increasing demands, children of all ages, parents, and the educational system make the teaching profession one of the top ten jobs with the highest depression rates.

5. Artists, writers

The occupations related to the artistic nature are affected by three factors: unstable salary, no sense of working schedule, and isolation.

One of the most common diseases that plague the artistic world is bipolar disorder, accompanied by constant mood swings in the “name” of creativity, especially when the life of an artist is in stark contrast to the demands of the modern lifestyle.

6. Doctors and nurses

When someone works in adverse conditions, faced with life and death, out of the normal schedule, it makes perfect sense why they might get on the brink of depression.

7. Administrative assistants

Though it sounds surprising, administrative assistants have to deal with the paradox of high demands with little control. They are usually the “cogs in the machine” without any power and have to satisfy from the smallest to the most absurd request of their superiors.

8. Maintenance engineers

The main feature of their work is that we need them when something goes wrong. They face harsh conditions and contingencies and at the same time need to anticipate and provide for the safety and optimal convenience and service to the public, often working on the night shifts and at a high degree of risk.

9. Financial advisors

Anything that relates to money is stressful by its nature. Just imagine how it feels to be responsible for managing and taking correct and effective decisions about the money of others. The increased share of responsibility, high risk of mistake, and a lack of control over the changes in the market are enough to eventually lead some of them to depression.

10. Sellers

Payment by percentage. Only this sentence is sufficient to completely understand the reason why someone who deals with sales can be prone to depression.

In particular, in the era of global economic crisis and the uncertainty of trade, it is not surprising that this job ranks among the most stressful ones and those with the highest depression rates.


  1. https://www.cdc.gov

View Comments

  • What about police, fire fighters and armed services personnel. Surely a lot more stressful than artists and writers!

  • #5 (at least) is backwards. ;-) Artsy and writer types are prone to depression, bipolar, and other "nontypical" mentalities--and because of that, have a unique way of looking at the world...which leads them to these professions.
    Most brilliant, creative types are at least a little bit crazy. ;)

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.