Dissociative Identity Disorder or Possession? Abused Children Experiment with Astral Projection

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

Could dissociative identity disorder be connected to astral projection? Are we leaving our bodies and experiencing possession?

I would like to approach my topic from three directions and see if they meet in the middle. Would you like to take the journey with me?

When I speak of making connections, it’s not merely from the curiosity that I hold within, it’s also because I have been searching for answers the entirety of my life for strange things that happened to me. So, let’s start with the basics – dissociative identity disorder.

What is dissociative identity disorder (DID)?

Formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, DID is a form of dissociative disorder. Dissociative disorder, alone, is the disruption of memory, mental functions, and consciousness, but with the addition of the identity disorder, victims experience a change in identity, randomly, even to the point of complete separation from the original human “soul”.

There is a complete and utter split between the host personality, in favor of alternate versions.

As fascinating as this may be, dissociative identity disorder can be dangerous. It can also display facets of astral projection (consciousness leaving the body).

Let’s take a look at the astral projection in order to understand the next direction.

Astral projection, although slightly different from OOBEs (basic out of body experiences), is the operation in which the mind leaves the body with a purpose-driven intent. There are two theories on this occurrence, one being a phasing belief and the other being a mystical one.

The phasing belief says that astral travel is simply the mind moving to other locales in the consciousness, other radio stations, or channels, so to speak. In this belief, the mind never leaves the body at all, just learns how to phase into new regions of the mind.

In the mystical belief, however, we see the classic out of body travel. The mind actually does leave the body, for undetermined amounts of time, and returns to its physical state later on. During the mystical astral projection, the mind knows it is separate from the body but still feels attached, usually in the form of a long silver “umbilical” cord.

Now, let’s enter another topic into this discussion – possession

The classic interpretation of possession has spiritual roots. Religious beliefs speak of possession as a form of an evil entity inhabiting the human body. There are other forms of possession, however, instances where disembodied humans enter bodies other than their own, either in an attempt to gain a better body or in accidental circumstances.

Either way, possession is something up for debate, some believe it is real, while others believe it is just another creative twist of the human imagination.

How can we tie this all together?

Now, I wish to get personal, as I want to do at times. I am a survivor of sexual abuse – 6 years of relentless attack from another family member, which occurred between the age of 4 and 10 years. I endured this hardship beyond the knowledge of any other adult family member, or at least that’s what they claim.

Something else happened during this time and it defies logic. Simultaneously and some time well after the onset of my abuse, I began to experiment with astral projection.

At some point, either before or after my experimentation, I started to experience what the doctors call “psychosis”. Of course, this diagnosis wasn’t present then, I just started to see things and decided to call them my “imaginary friends.” I experienced shadowy figures and doppelgangers of myself.

Now, for just a moment, let me rest my tired typing fingers. Have I lost you yet? No? Good.

Soon after these occurrences, and during one particular episode of abuse, I started to split. Have you ever seen that movie “Split”? Yes, that’s a severe case. Anyway, I began to develop independent feelings, personalities, and traits, which at times would argue with me incessantly.

When my abuser was active, I would leave my body and watch something else enter. All the while, I watched from above. It was probably one of the most horrifying incidences of my childhood.

This is where it gets really interesting

After the abuse, and as I carried on with my childhood and adolescence, I started to experience the split more often. It came easier and the alternate versions of myself started to take on a more solid persona, a name, a different color of the eyes, and a strong personality all its own.

It took a long time to grow accustomed to my condition, of which I told no one, but after therapists, doctors, and child psychologists poked and prodded, I decided to bury it deeper, hiding all the supernatural and paranormal evidence from sight.

There was no way they would ever believe me, and so I learned to live in darkness.

Here’s where I connect everything

There is a scientific standpoint and then there is a supernatural standpoint. In all honesty, they may never be reconciled. I was diagnosed with Manic Depression in 1993, then diagnosed formerly with the Bipolar disorder with psychosis, anxiety disorder, PTSD, and OCD. I take several medications to alleviate these strange symptoms and actions.

I cannot say, in good conscience, that I no longer see things that shouldn’t be there. I am sure, however, that I am the soul that as originally planted within this body when I was created. I am not sure if I am the only one present residing within.

Science says this is psychosis, schizophrenia, etc, but I am not so sure. I remember what I did as a victim in the throes of sexual violation, and I remember the times I read those Omni magazines and practiced tirelessly to leave my body. I remember that I was successful as well.

I am not sure what this means, but I see the connection. Whether it is spiritual, or if it is a figment of my damaged psyche, I may never know. I invite your opinions.

Thank you.

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  • HI. I have DID. I also have PTSD, Bi-polar, anxiety, and depression. I am also a psychic medium, a healer and empath.
    I have 13 personalities, however I have a "lighter" version of this diagnosis.
    I was told by a world reknowned Pshychiatrist who developed a special program for people with PTSD and DID that I am a gifted Medium because I am able to "leave" when I need or want to.
    I no longer allow spirit human or non-human to completely enter my body. I create a contract with them allowing them to only come through not possess. It makes life much easier.
    Also, it is very easy for me to diferentiate one of my alters and a spirit. I know when I am dealing with essentially myself or a spirit.
    it is not possession.
    It is not schizophrenia. DID and schizophrenia are not even close to the same diagnosis.
    I am sorry you went through the things you did. Thanks for writing about it.

    • Thank you for reading, Nikki. I sometimes wish I had someone who understood and was willing to help me develop these things.

      • Hi Sherri I cried when I read your story I had no idea people experience these things... I was recently sexually assaulted several different kidnapped the ran over by my best friend quite on quote . Things have changed for me and I'm not the same I also suffer from childhood abuse and neglect . Among alot of other things bipolar. PTSD your story sounds just like mine glad someone could put it into words and understand I yet to tell anyone what is going on with me but it's hard to hide

      • Hello Sherrie, Thank you for sharing your personal story. I realize its been over a year since you responded to several comments but in a difficult slump of incredibly unpredictable times... coming upon your article rather happenstance, it had some very powerful words I needed so very much to read today. So I hope in return, this message might find you well. I was diagnosed with DID 6 years ago, but spent the first 5 in denial of it, mostly in hopes to "get rid of" or "fix" it's existence. I will not go into details about how it all came about and the many unknowns answered as well as the immense challenges that followed. What I'd to share is the greatest knowledge I learned from it all over the course of this last year... a concept so completely absurd a year ago but one in which has become my enduring survival in the chaotic existence of the present. ...A child's ability to dissociate IS a gift from God. I believe the adversary (or demons and such) certainly seem to take over at times- but beyond the confounds of which the "possessions" might fully entail- I have come to know the sweeter side- the splitting you speak of... or in my case the parts of myself broken off to endure and contain the unbearable pain and suffering to enable me to live. A realization once so difficult to understand and believe has truly become my life line. I have seen countless ways in which my dissociation was a great blessing that not only saved my life but allowed me to be the successful woman, mother of seven, teacher, company founder, Director, Child advocate and Leader I became. We are all children of God who loves us more than we could ever comprehend. He will never take away one's agency no matter how barbaric it may be... but He will always freely pour down His blessings upon us such as our ability to dissociate, separate and disconnect from terrible ordeals. And a gift for all, we have our Savior, Jesus Christ to comfort us, bear our burdens, and guide us safely home. Keep up the great work and take care.

      • Sherri, my email is Astaroth.sonz18@gmail.com. I'm not a doctor nor licensed professional. But I have had a NDE and a lot of trauma throught my life. In 2016 I started my hellish journey of what is termed a spiritual awakening. I've been through and experienced every type of evil. And I hated every minute of it but the knowledge I've gained I would never in a million years go back and change things. Anyways what I'm getting at is my "guides" "angels" "demons" whatever you wanna call them have made it very clear that I'm past the point of searching for answers and need to share what I've experienced in other to help others so, if you ever need to talk or have any and I mean any questions please send me an email and I'll be glad to help anyway I can even if it's just you telling me I'm full of shit lol. Which I probably am but I have nobody that understands me or anyone left in my life to talk about these things either.

  • Good night, I am just here to see if I can get some help with an issue of a real life human possission. Please note that there are people out there that are using this method to mind control, manipulate and even scare others around them. I've even hard of a guy whom possessed someone else to just pass his exams. Please note that possession and or remote veiwing is real and if anyone knows how someone could protect themselves from another person's possessional abuse then I would be greatful. To the person whom wrote this, thank you very much for doing and I pray that you do not take offence to this comment it's just there are ones of us out there who just need to find some answers.
    Thank you again and have a great night.

  • have you ever tried 5 element acupuncture?
    there is a treatment called internal dragons that could possibly help..
    only suggesting.
    well done for your courage to post your story online.

  • Hi Sherrie, I wouldn't want to give any opinions, I would have to know more. I was also sexually abused by a stepfather for several years until I was 13. Am I understanding it correctly? That you learned about astral projections somewhere else first? I was watching a series on Gaia and they were channeling information from astral beings. A woman said that in our natural state, (spiritual), before we come here, we are a member of a "spirit group". Before we decide to come here and live a human life, we know basically what it will be like and we come here knowing that. She also said, in many cases, a spirit from our group will agree to come with us and will ultimately play some negative role in our life. (so negative sometimes even being our murderer!). The idea of ALL of this is that this is a classroom. It's almost like a drama class, in which we learn the most and grow the most as a result of all of our lives! A physical life is just so much more difficult a demanding than we are used to. When I thought about that being a possibility...my abuser being from my "soul group", it really blew me away! Of course, as I said...this was just information channeled from an astral being supposedly.

  • I thought of one other thing. I still don't know what this is about, but male abusers have seemed to be drawn to me my entire life! Other than my stepfather, my brother abused me when I was VERY young and I had men approaching me in that way when I was young A LOT! Talking to me inappropriately when alone etc. I even had a flasher pull up beside me when I was walking down the street once! Then the man I married sexually abused me! I would REALLY like to know why this all happened to me. I do not understand it. And as a result, I absolutely HATE sex!

    • Flannery Red, have you ever looked at your natal chart. (Astrology) I never believed in that sort of stuff until I got into my chart. Damn, it was crazy how I could think of events in my life and then read about a conjunction to a star and the description of this conjunction would be exactly what I had experienced. Theres so many apps and free natal charts online. Check it out it might answer some questions if anything