What Is Energy Reading and 6 Signs You Might Have This Rare Ability

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

Energy surrounds us and basically makes up everything we are. Some of us even have the ability of energy reading.

Reading energies

While some people are oblivious to the energy which surrounds them and which is also within them, some are not. Some are highly intuitive about this vibrational energy and can sense many things from just being near another person. Feeling a certain positive or negative vibe from others is not an imaginary sensation. There really are good and bad energies which flow through us all.

Obvious energies

There are some obvious energies which almost everyone can read. Emotional energies are pretty easy to determine if you can read facial expressions. With this knowledge, you can determine which people you choose to be around.

Keep in mind, those with negative energies can be highly draining. Those with positive energies can uplift. As far as deeper energy reading goes, or aura readings, there are indicators which show if you have these abilities. Here are the signs that you might have this rare ability to read the energy of auras.

Energy reading indicators

1. Crowded places are uncomfortable

Personally, I don’t like crowded places anyway, but when you can read energies, these places can be even more overwhelming. Just think, if you can read energies and there are dozens or more people around you, it can be severe.

You can absorb any negative energies floating around which could be detrimental to your emotional, mental and physical health. Sometimes being around lots of people is unavoidable, but when you do, make sure you’re strong enough to large energy flow that will come your way.

2. Your intuition is off the charts

Sometimes, I hate this one. I can sense negative human energies, and when I do, I tend to tell a friend or loved one as a warning. If they like the person, it causes conflict and they call me judgemental. I have learned to keep more of this to myself now.

When you are energy reading, sometimes you will pick up on bad feelings that you cannot identify. You just know there’s something off about someone. This makes you protective of the ones you love. Unfortunately, it causes friction at times too, as I mentioned above. Intuition is just one of the things that come with being able to read energies.

3. You are a human lie detector

Another gift of energy reading that’s hard to accept is being able to tell when someone is lying. When someone lies to you, their energy changes rapidly.

I have actually watched this happened many times. I can be carrying on a normal conversation with a loved one and they will suddenly change their tone, body language, and expressions. That’s when the lie comes out. Funny thing is, they expect you to believe it.

Whether or not you call them on this lie, it’s a sign that you are highly intuned to their energy levels. As they fluctuate, so does your intuition …thus detecting anything false or true.

4. Violence is hard to view

Now, this one isn’t so bad for me. I don’t really know why. But for some people who can read energies, they cannot stand watching any sort of violence on television. It can be violence on news reports, documentaries, or even a movie. The violence carries negative energy which can even be felt through the screen of the television.

Now, think about how hard it would be to view violence in real life. This one does bother me. I once witnessed a violent death and felt a surge of painful negative energy engulf me. It was a time in my life I will always remember.

5. You are often labeled as too sensitive

I cry all the time. I cry at sad movies, I cry when I miss someone, and I cry just thinking about memories of times long gone. When you are reading energies, sometimes the energies are sad ones, so deep and hurting that you start to develop a sensitivity like most people do not possess.

You feel deeper in all thing. This includes deeper love, deeper heartache, and deeper happiness. But it’s okay, let them say what they want. There’s nothing wrong with feeling deeply as you’re surrounded by everyone’s energies and auras.

6. You feel what others feel

There are times when you can actually feel the pain of others when they are far away. If a friend loses someone to death, you can feel the sadness as if it’s yours to feel. This may not happen all the time, but in some cases, it can be overwhelming to the point of shutting down for a bit to process where the feelings are coming from and what they are.

Have you ever just felt horrible for no reason at all? You could be picking up from someone else’s pain.

Energy reading ability is a gift and a curse all in one

Reading energies can be good and it can be bad. I guess it just depends on how you look at it and how you deal with it. Some people have tried to handle the constant influx of energy, and unfortunately, have ended their own lives to stop feeling.  I would never advocate such a tragedy. That’s just how deep these energies are, and this is, of course, the worst-case scenario.

Instead of suffering from energy overload, try channeling your energies into creative activities and helping others. If you don’t know where the energies are coming from, get into a meditative state to clear the mind so a different perspective can handle the energies for a while.

Energy reading is definitely a rare ability, but it can be helpful when people aren’t willing to share their feelings, lies are being told, or someone is hurting badly. When you’re able to read energies, you can provide comfort without questions. Sometimes your presence is all that’s needed to make a positive connection and unite energies in synchronicity. Yes, it can be done.

Can you read energies? Let us know about your experiences.


  1. https://exemplore.com

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  • Everything said here about energy readers its all me, sometimes I feel bad that when I always try to explain how I feel about someone whom perhaps's giving me bad vibes or a sense of energy reading, that person may either not take me serious, or not listen to me or sometimes I myself feel like some kind of a joke from the response i have gotten from them including body language, listening skills,interpretation skills etc. And then later on when I am alone I regret why I opened up but the feeling still doesn't change because I know what I was talking about then I try to calm myself down by believing that the person I was trying to open up to is just not the right listener and so to every energy reading I pick up everyday I believe there is someone out there who is willing to listen to me.

    • I am listening. I go through the same thing. Just don't you ever let them tell you that you're over-reacting. You know when something isn't right when you can feel it in the pit of your stomach. I get nausea right before someone tells me something I didn't want to hear. So, no matter what, don't let them brainwash you or gaslight you to make you feel crazy.

  • Feel other's energy? Absolutely. See it? Not always as quickly as I'd like. Protecting myself from absorbing it is my weak spot. My kid's, family and friends call me the emotional lie detector no matter where on Earth they are at that moment. Although I don't always catch some suddle changes from very far, if you are or even recently were in the vicinity I'm usually spot on. Total stranger's approach me and tell me their whole life story, it's a little uncomfortable sometimes but rest assured the reasoning presents itself in time.

    • Uggh, knowing that someone is lying to me makes me physically sick, especially when they've done it a thousand times and thrown fits when I confront the lies. Reading energies is supposed to be a good thing, but lately, it has caused me so much pain. I think it just has to be due to my surroundings.

  • Hello!
    I have noticed that when I meet random people I can read them by looking at them, and when they hear what I am saying they are shocked! I was around a few people and all of a sudden I began to become emotional and cry.

      • Yes there are number's of us with special gifts or curses I used to put it the in the same context but I was told by an Un for seen force but when I was only a baby old enough just able to pull my self up but reinened into the pram for safety it told I did not belong in my present body it said I had a gift that I would find difficult to cope with and that I would suffer great mental difficulty of which I have most of sixty years plus on this earth but I have accepted it along time ago sensing and feeling energy emotional turmoil is part of the gift seeing things from time to time is also part and parcel I don't consider my self psychic but we ae something very different and I can relate to others that are and I havery an open mind

        • Thank you for reading, Brian. I hope you can find a way to deal with these abilities. It's hard sometimes, and you will be ridiculed for talking about them.

  • All the way back to my earliest memory, which coincidentally was before I was born as per my mother when I told her of it, I have been able to read other people inside and out within five minutes. I am one of those people who have never met a stranger and am often ambushed into counseling time regardless of the location. I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, which is more often than not, very depressing. At some point in my life, I believe in my early teens, I consciously made the decision to shut down all of my abilities to prevent the exhaustion and melancholy. When I did, I became a social butterfly. But it was fleeting and I retreated soon after. I hate crowds and all that being a part of one entails. I would rather just stay home. I will say though, my intuition is spot on and almost clairvoyant (knowing when the phone will ring and who is on the other end, knowing when something bad is going to happen, etc) which has aided me a lot in my time. I am at a crossroads now. People look at me like I am insane if I volunteer too much information despite being asked. It scares them and what a person doesn't understand tends to do that. I'm trying to find the happy medium.

    • Living with these abilities is hard to do. I have the same gift/curse...notice they are two sides of the same coin. From childhood, I knew things I didn't want to know. It started as I was being abused at 4 years of age. No one believed me at first, but then my brother started to see it. Now, when I try to talk to him, he brushes it off as my mental illness and coincidence. I think, at some point, he shut himself off from those things, but it's okay.

      Thing is, it has followed me throughout my whole life. I remember the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut which happened around 9:30. I worked the night shift, and when I got off work around 7, I stopped for gas and then continued home. I was driving home, which took about 10 minutes. Halfway there, I had to pull over and puke. I didn't know why until I got home and saw the newscast. When I was feeling sick driving home, I also felt dread and a horrible foreboding feeling. The problem with it is, many times I have no idea why I feel this way until afterward. That is one of the millions of moments of my life that I've had to deal with this energy. You can see how it would be a curse. In other times, I have been able to stop my children from getting hurt, and this seems like a gift. It is what it is, I suppose.

  • Yes mam i can relate too that dread feeling deep down i was traveling on a stretch of a motorway m54 for nearly three weeks it lasted like something was going to on a certain stretch of the mway i would hurry up and move into a different lane id get this feeling traveling in the opposite direction but my head would just glance to that section of the mway as i past then one day we just hearded off the mway a multipull vehichle crash had happened after that episode i felt ok traveling down that way a lot of people that get inutive warnings just ignore it i learned because of my crab water sign makes sensitive to any possible dangers heading my way keep upnthe good work

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.