Want to Exit the Matrix? Here Is How to Do It in 6 Steps

Published by
Kirstie Pursey

Do you want to exit the matrix and don’t know how? This article will give you some significant guidelines.

The eyes are not the windows to the soul. They are simply devices that pick up light waves and send them to your brain for decoding. The same with our sense of hearing, taste and touch. Our mind creates everything we see, hear and feel, but also every word we speak, every thought we have and emotion we experience. We are living inside the matrix of our own minds.

But how do we exit the matrix of our minds?

Here’re six ways you can move beyond your mind and experience something other than the everyday illusion of reality it has created.

1. Let go of the illusion that the material world means something

We came into this physical form at birth with nothing and we will leave with nothing. To exit the matrix of our minds, we must understand that there is no point in striving for and getting stressed about physical things.

Life is not a broken clock that needs to be fixed. Life is an experience. There is little point in dwelling on the past with regret or nostalgia for things lost. Change is part of the experience. There is even less point in worrying about things that have not even happened.

It is better, perhaps to focus on this one moment, which is all we can change, otherwise, we risk wasting our lives living in the past or the future and missing the great adventure that only ever happens in the Now.

2. Let go of the idea that you are you

We have been here since the beginning, as stardust, and we will take many forms. Einstein explained that energy never dies, it simply changes form, and we are energy. When we die, we simply change form. Everything is made of waves of energy and we are just a pattern among the waves.

So to exit the matrix of our perception, we must let go of the idea that we are separate from everything else. Like a wave is not separate from the ocean, we are not separate from the whole of creation. We are like a mountaintop, which appears detached from the next mountaintop, but in reality, it is all part of the same earth.

3. Let go of the idea that you can exit the matrix through the mind

We think that if we gather enough information, we can escape the matrix, but we never do. So, we move on to the next book, lecture or teacher always thinking that escape is outside in the world instead of inside where it already exists and always has.

People have tried to find enlightenment by following religious rules or emulating gurus. But the escape from the matrix involves accessing information directly, not through the experiences of others. Only you know how you must exit your mental matrix and it won’t be by thinking about it.

Over eons, man has tried to escape the matrix by processes such as prayer, meditation, or even taking hallucinogenic drugs. We have tried to experience a direct understanding of how the world is. This understanding comes without words and without mind. It involves letting go of all that the mind thinks it knows and expanding to allow other forms of knowing.

So let go of spiritual seeking. Let go of the ideas that anyone knows any more than you. How can they? They are not separate from you. The understanding is within you, it always has been, but you have to stop listening to the mind in order to find it.

4. Understand that only by journeying inward will you escape the matrix

You are the watcher, the observer. You watch a bird alight on a tree; you touch the tree and feel the roughness of the bark. These things happen outside of you, they are not you. But actually, your thoughts and feelings are also objects of consciousness, so they are not you either.

Try this exercise. Close your eyes and say to yourself: “I wonder what my next thought will be?”

Did you notice a space between the thoughts? This stillness is existence beyond the egoic mind. You can’t get there by thinking, but only by going beyond the thinking mind. This is why meditation helps. It teaches you to place less importance on what the mind says. Only in that space of silence can we experience consciousness without form.

5. Freedom from the matrix

Finally, by understanding that we are greater than our thoughts and greater than our human form, we realize that the ego we have always identified does not really exist.

In the spaciousness of existence without the chatter of the ego, we find inner peace and tranquility. We can let go of all concepts of good and bad and all judgments. We begin to understand that we are everything and everything is us.

6. Returning to the world changed by the journey

After awakening from the matrix, we must continue to live in the same world we always did. The world is the same as when we left, only we are different.

Because we have changed, the world has changed for us. We can now release our desire for grasping and wanting things. We can let go of everything that no longer serves us.

We do not suffer because we understand the fleeting nature of this adventure we call life. We do not need to go away and live the life of a hermit, we can be fully involved in the world while understanding that stress, striving and clinging are pointless and that actually this life is an experience we are blessed to have.


  1. Wake Up World (H/T)
  2. LiveScience

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  • The superstitions started around my younger stages in Underworlds life. I did not now what I way; and I became a wonder, looking for realities in this modern worlds. I thought I could kind them in the planetary planet, earth, the Underworlds, and I did not find
    them. I looked in the heavens, and notice, and seen the great blanket from first, second, and third where the giant planetary planets; and the are the jack of all trades, and masters of none. I want to get out of the matrix. The matrix, is the realities of historys of forgery documents, of the realities of medical historys, primative history? There are so many thing, in the Underworlds, affect everybody living off the matrix?

  • I know someone who actually believes in this stuff. But this is pure manipulation. You should also learn about what an ideology is, and then let go of the idea of exiting the matrix. All i see here is toxic perfectionism.

  • I'm beginning to believe in a conscious universe. Kind of like panpsychism or cosmopsychism. It's a fairly easy jump after reading about quantum metaphysics, which almost anyone can do if they are serious, and form concepts in that direction. It also seems to fit into what you wrote about.