Do You Feel Like You Don’t Belong Here? 4 Reasons Why It May Be a Good Thing

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

Do you feel like you don’t belong here, in this world and society? You will be surprised to know that it may actually be a good thing.

We grow up believing that in order to be happy, we need to belong somewhere – a society, a country, a social circle, and finally, a family.

The desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves seems to be our innate need, which probably has evolutionary roots (remember the well-known notion that human is a social animal?). As Wikipedia states, “belongingness is the human emotional need to be an accepted member of a group.”

But what happens in the case of people who don’t only lack this need but also feel that they don’t really fit in this world? Some individuals don’t simply consider themselves different from the rest – they actually have different tastes, ways of thinking, and priorities in life. They don’t like popular things and activities and don’t go after the goals most people pursue.

They may seem a sort of weirdos to those around them, but the truth is that there is a bright side of being a “misfit.”

Today, we will discuss four categories of people who are very likely to have a sense of detachment from the world because of their emotional and mental makeup. Moreover, it’s not a bad thing at all and is, in fact, an indication of increased awareness and sensitivity.

1. Deep thinkers

Sadly, the society we live in is giving more and more importance to primitive instincts and material needs. So it makes sense why individuals capable of deep thought may feel like they don’t belong here.

If you are a deep thinker, then you probably know what truly matters in life. That’s why seeing people around you chasing ephemeral goals and being interested in meaningless stuff is so disappointing. It’s not only disappointing – sometimes, it makes you wonder what you are doing here, among these people, and feel like you come from another world.

2. Old souls

Old souls often feel like they don’t belong here, especially when growing up. Being passionate about unpopular things may make others pick up on your differences and tease you for it. And this can be painful in your awkward childhood and teenage years, making you feel like a misfit who doesn’t have a place in this world.

In your adult years, this gap separating you from other people only becomes bigger. However, you find your path in life and don’t care the same about what they think about you.

3. Empaths

Empaths are so sensitive to the emotions and energy of other people that they may find it uncomfortable to be around them. If you are an empath, you know that every time you watch a news broadcast or learn something sad about someone you know, you get truly upset.

All these side effects of being an empath can also provoke a sense of detachment. And it’s no surprise – there is so much greed, cruelty, and violence in today’s world that an empath may suffer, being a part of it.

4. People who experience a spiritual awakening

A spiritual awakening is a great experience that elevates you to a higher level of consciousness and turns you into a spiritually evolved being. However, it is also paired with painful feelings and experiences because fundamental changes are never easy.

Not only do you start to wonder about the existence, reconsidering your life decisions and relationships, but you may also feel detached from those around you and the world in general. It’s all because you are becoming more aware and understand things you previously turned a blind eye to.

If you feel like you don’t belong here, remember that there is nothing wrong with you.

Instead of worrying about what others think and seeking their approval, try to find your passion and life purpose. And it’s fine if it doesn’t seem attractive or “cool” to most people. The point is that it should fill your life with meaning and happiness.

Did any of the above-described things ring true for you? We would love to hear your thoughts on this.

If you are feeling like a misfit, you may want to read my recent articles that provide some guidance for coping with this emotional state:

When the flood of comments came in response to this article, I realized that there were far more people who felt like they didn’t belong here, in this world and society, than I had imagined.

Inspired by this fact, I wrote the book The Power of Misfits: How to Find Your Place in a World You Don’t Fit In to help all those introverts, empaths, and deep thinkers who feel alien to modern society. If you are feeling this way and are looking for answers, you may want to check my book on Amazon.

View Comments

  • Totally agree to the articles. I experience all of the above since I was a kid n now w my empath state expanding more n more after a new state of spiritual awakening that I achieved recently, I feel harder n harder to be here!

  • Feeling glad that thr is nothing like attitude which most of the people use to say..... when i tell them..... That i feel like an outsider here....

  • People like me at a distance more like. I've never really felt really loved except my dad who passed, and babies & children love me. Because Im sweet and honest. People tell me there problems even perfect strangers and ask my opinion like I would have the answer for them like I'm a messenger. I always do have a answer or word of wisdom as others say. They usually end the conversation with Your a angel. People have given me that nick name. I relate more with children , and animals. I love simple things. I do feel empathic good and bad feeling coming from people. So I can go in a crowd, but can't stay long because the mixture of feelings becomes overwhelming. I use painting or nature or working with my plants to drowned the world's noise.

  • When I read your posts my thought was that I'm the same in many ways.
    I'm trying to find others. I don't understand anyof it. I just want to hide from the world. I look and watch people and their features are odd to me. I wonder about their lives and how they think. I'm curious about people but I don't trust. When I have it was too much. I look to the heavens and miss home. The gallaxy fascinates me but also scares me a bit. I long to go home. I see and feel so different. Too much empathy. I feel lost here. Heaven is were I long for. I know I'm not alone and I see and feel people that are not there passing through my home as if one their way someplace. Someone told me I was a port to the other doesn't scare me or anything. I'm highly sensitive to everything around me. I can feel others pain even when they don't show it. Don't know if others are also as me the rarest blood type as well as my insides are in the wrong places. Does it make a difference how I was created? Any answers? Each day is getting more confusing.

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.