
What Is the Meaning of 555 and What to Do If You See It Everywhere

Published by
Kirstie Pursey

Many people see the number 555 everywhere they go. What is the meaning of 555? And what should we do if this happens to us?

Many people believe that seeing certain numbers, or patterns of numbers is a sign from the universe. It doesn’t necessarily need to be seeing the number 555.

Many people see 11:11, but it could be any number or repeated number in any situation. You might see it on license plates, phone numbers, or the change you receive when you make a purchase.

Numerology assigns certain meanings to numbers, including the meaning of 555. So if you see 555 often, read on.

So if you see 555 often, read on.

What is numerology?

Humans have always paid special significance to numbers. For many, the number 7 is lucky, while some believe the number 13 is unlucky.

The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras thought that every planet had a peculiar sound of its own. He represented this sound using numbers. He believed that all numbers have different vibrational properties and that they have significance in our lives.

Some people believe that seeing repeated patterns of numbers is a sign from the universe or has a special meaning for us. If you see 555 often, it might be a sign from your guardian angels or the universe guiding you towards making changes in your life.

You might see 555 on a digital clock, on receipts, bank statements, and phone numbers. There are many different ways you could encounter this number in your life.

The meaning of 555

The number 5 is a powerful number in many forms of divine reading. 5 represents freedom, exploration, travel, and change. 555 is a triple of the number 5, indicating which amplifies its power.

In numerology, the number 555 indicates that a change is coming. It could indicate a new period of personal growth or it could mean a physical change, such as a house move or a new job.

If you often see 555, it indicates that you are a person who relishes opportunities to expand and grow. You constantly want to be in the middle of the action and are always looking to move forward in your life.

When you see angel number 555, it means that a significant and necessary change will be happening in your life, and your angels will guide you towards it. It may concern your career or love life. But the point is that this change will move you closer to your divine purpose.

Angel number 555

Have you ever felt guided or protected by a force you cannot explain? This could be your guardian angel. According to spiritual beliefs, we all have a guardian angel who is always present in our lives. We don’t notice them very often.

However, occasionally they need to send an important message. Somehow, they have to get our attention. They are believed to do this through repeated patterns of numbers in the hope we will detect them.

Is 555 an angel number?

555 is an angel number. Angel numbers usually appear in groups of three or four. These are repeated numbers or patterns, for example, 222, 333, 444, 11.11, or 1234, 6767. Each number is believed to be a message from the spiritual realm, but in numerical form.

What does the angel number 555 mean?

The 555 angel number represents positive transformation. This will be dramatic and life-changing. According to this point of view, your guardian angel is warning you to prepare yourself mentally and physically for what is coming.

You might feel you’re in a rut, stuck in a profession or personal situation. Perhaps you have been in a toxic relationship that has become a habit. Maybe you don’t feel strong enough to break free. Are you happy at work, or do you dream of being your own boss? Do you feel you are on a hamster’s wheel, going round but going nowhere?

Whether you feel stifled in your personal life or your career, or stuck in some other aspect, the meaning of angel number 555 is clear. Change is coming, and it is going to free you.

You might not be aware of any changes. However, behind the scenes, major shifts are creating a pathway to freedom. Changes are already taking place. People are talking or making major decisions that will affect your future.

There can be two reasons angel number 555 is appearing in your life:

1. You are on the right path and should prepare for change

The number 555 is a sign that you are on the right path. The angel number 555 symbolizes freedom, personal achievements, and new and exciting ventures.

These transformations may appear frightening because they are major shifts from what you are used to. The changes are designed to bring out the best in you.

2. You are resisting change and should accept it is inevitable

If you are resisting change, you will start seeing the number 555 more often. This is something that is already happening. It is time to accept what the universe tells you.

Go with the flow and face any challenges. It is easy for us to become complacent and accept a life because we are afraid of change. We might become resistant and cling to our present lives because it is all we know. But the message from angel number 555 is clear; change is coming and your life will be better for it.

According to the spiritual point of view, seeing 555 is a message from your guardian angels. They are supporting you in this massive transformation. Imagine the butterfly chrysalis, wrapped up safely in a secure cocoon. At present, you are the chrysalis. Outside, your guardian angel watches and waits for you to emerge as a new person.

It is scary and nerve-wracking, but you cannot stay in the cocoon forever. At some point, that beautiful butterfly has to break free and dry their wings in the morning sunlight.

555 is your guardian angel telling you to not be afraid, but to embrace the change. They are on the outside of your cocoon and have seen the incredible metamorphosis that takes place.

555 angel number love

The angel love number 555 represents significant changes within your love life. For example, if you are dating, you might get engaged, perhaps past romance blossoms again, or you may increase your family with more children.

It could also be a sign to take a chance, to take action yourself. Talk to that handsome stranger who smiles when you pass him; open up to your partner and demonstrate your love.

Then again, this love number can symbolize a change differently. You might end or break free from a toxic relationship. You could decide to walk away from unrequited love. Whatever change is coming, it is for your benefit and will have positive repercussions.

What should you do if you see 555?

The prospect of change can be exciting or scary. However, seeing 555 signifies that this is a change you are ready for. The number 555 is a sign telling you that you have everything you need to handle this change.

The number 555 encourages us to let go of fears and doubts and embrace the adventure of life. This number is about your ability to make important life decisions and choices. It also reveals that you are adaptable resourceful.

Acknowledge that change is coming. Keep a watchful eye on opportunities and be prepared to step out of your comfort zone. Open yourself up to new ideas, embrace challenges, and welcome new people into your life. Say yes more, engage with those you wouldn’t normally do, and try different things in your life.

The signs are clear; it’s up to you to take advantage or not.

So, if you have been offered an opportunity and you keep seeing the number 555, you should seriously consider taking the chance as it could be just the change you need to move forward in your life.

How to receive more guidance on your path

According to the spiritual viewpoint, the number 555 is a message from spirit. It is encouraging you to let go of what no longer serves you and move into a new way of being. It is asking you to trust the universe and embrace new ideas and opportunities.

This can be easier said than done and you might want to seek further guidance about the changes you desire. The meaning of 555 is that this is just the start of a new way of living.

The universe is often guiding us to let go of limitations and fears and to trust our instincts. If you believe in twin flames, 555 is a positive sign that indicates substantial progress in the reunion with your twin flame.

You can ask for further guidance from the spirit world or universe. This guidance is always available to us, but we sometimes drown it out with our inner voices.

Our higher self guides us, too, however, we sometimes dismiss this guidance and try to analyze situations logically instead. Taking time to get quiet and listen for an angel message might help. We can also undertake spiritual journeys to discover more about what the universe is guiding us towards.

If you feel you need more help in understanding what to do if you see the angel number 555, you might explore whatever areas spirit seems to be guiding you towards. There are thousands of people, books, and resources available to help you on your journey.


  1. https://www.mindbodygreen.com

View Comments

  • Thanks for all the comments i read each one and found each insigjtful.May the univetse which is actually you be your guide on your heroes journey

  • I always see 555 on the light rail coming home after getting work. Freedom and travel huh. 😂

  • If repeating numbers show up often or even just once, & you know it resonates with you, this serves as confirmation to YOU...not those around you. So if you do not get this personal confirmation, then it's not something that's for you. It's as simple as that.

  • Around the time I was pregnant with my third child I began to have numerous experiences where 3's (I can only describe as) 'hounded' me; I felt like whomever/whatever was trying to show me must have been very frustrated at my initial lack of acknowledgement of what I realise now were/are significant signs and messages. I have so many examples of interactions/experiences with 3's,double or triple digits or multiples of 3, that I would have to write a book to share them all. I am now comforted by the presentation of 3's, especially 33 - and here's the icing on the cake - I discovered quite by 'chance' at the age of 39 that my day of birth the 29th day of November, is in fact the 3 hundredth and thirty third day of the year.

  • Reading all these comments is very interesting! I keep seeing multiple numbers very frequentky also. Looking up their meaning is comforting somehow. It's not just 5.55 like I saw a moment ago on my phone after waking up but others during the day from 1.11 to 5.55, a frequent occurrence.
    Astrologically I've just begun a 12 year Jupiter cycle - a new beginning and often a need to start something new and to let go of old thinking or ways no longer beneficial. So seing 5.55 again just now does confirm for me that changes are afoot and I must pay attention. Good and bad has to be dealt with but with some self confidence all can be done! Starting a new Jupiter cycle provides this confidence and strength to face what is in store. The appearance of triple numbers does that for me too. I also believe that my guardian angels are around and help when required. Was it not Linda Goodman who wrote - when God slumbers he speaks to us in numbers!

Published by
Kirstie Pursey