Suicidal Thoughts: What They Say about You and How to Deal with Them

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

Suicidal thoughts – what do they really mean? Are we only expressing hidden emotions? How do you see those who contemplate suicide?

I will step lightly because to speak of suicide is to make a general assumption about all sorts of things. I have heard many statements and even entertained suicidal thoughts myself, and I understand this topic to be something classified according to the individual.

We just cannot know for certain what causes suicidal thoughts, when it concerns individual reasonings. So, as with other sensitive topics, I will provide any facts available to me, while I state my own opinion.

Suicide is serious. If you don’t believe me, then check out statistics of this monster.

  • Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.
  • Suicide accounts for 1.4% of all deaths in the world.
  • Around 800,000 people die of suicide every year.

What do your thoughts say about you?

Suicidal thoughts usually stem from two distinct forms of stimuli: Emptiness or Desperation. Now, that’s as close to the foundation of suicide that I care to share.

There are many other reasons as well, reasons that are hard to explain, even impossible to decipher. Mind you, this is just my opinion. I have, however, studied mental illness and suicide for quite some time and realize that you don’t have to be mentally ill to have these thoughts.

Does this make you a bad person? Not at all. Does this make you a coward? Of course not. In fact, suicide isn’t a cowardly act at all. For those who criticize others for their suicidal thoughts, stop right there! I bet you’ve had the same thoughts yourself!

So calling people who have suicidal thoughts cowards, is quite an insensitive thing to do. What’s wrong with this world is that people aren’t taking others seriously when suicidal thoughts begin to surface.

Here’s a secret: Most of you have thought about suicide at least once in your lifetime. You may never have told anyone about your secret thoughts, but I already know.

Thinking about checking out of this life is extremely easy, and for those who have suffered many years of trauma, suicide is even romanticized. Now that’s a truly disturbing thought.

Some things about mental illness you need to know

One of the main symptoms of mental illness is having suicidal thoughts. With depression and bipolar disorders, these thoughts can come and go as rapidly as eat or drinking.

During the day, a sufferer of mental illness can have suicidal thoughts more than a dozen times, if it has been a rather complex day or a day filled with more than the average amount of triggers. This is why it is so important to talk about these things, even if they are dark and disturbing.

What should I do about my suicidal urges and reasonings?

I have found that releasing information has a therapeutic effect on these issues. Suicidal thoughts, when relayed to a trusted friend or family member can be talked through.

Having this “sounding board” you might say, gives you the opportunity to see things from their perspective, providing hope and reassurance, thus sharing reasons why the world still needs you around.

Hey, one person does really matter and can truly make a difference if they choose to stick around and see. Remember, if you commit suicide, you will never know whether or not it was going to get any better. If you stick around, you give the world a chance to become brighter. In so many words, I heard this before. I carry it with me for strength.

I am in no way advocating suicide. I want to get that clear right now! What I am saying is that if you think about suicide, you’re not alone and it doesn’t make you a freak for doing it.

Now, the important aspect is knowing how to deal with those thoughts when they come. Here are a few things to always keep in mind.

Talk to someone

If you’re having suicidal thoughts, please talk to someone, NOW! Don’t worry about how you look or sounds; what’s important is that you find a way to release those thoughts and allow yourself to see things in a different way.

Seek professional help

Never be ashamed to seek professional help, especially if you feel like you cannot talk to others. There is always someone to help you if you allow this. If you’re drowning, here’s a lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. Someone is available 24 hours a day to speak with you.

Make promises and keep them

Promise yourself that you will try one more time, one more day and then give yourself one more chance at enjoying life. The key here is to make this promise every day, over again and then keep it!

Don’t give up! There are so many beautiful reasons to live, so remind yourself of this every day as you keep your promises for one more try. Life always gives us another chance and it’s worth it.

Stay safe

Make sure you have no access to weapons and this will give you time to “come down” from the suicidal thought high. Many times, when depression hits hard, those thoughts get pretty powerful.

So, if the home is void of weapons or anything that can be used to harm yourself, you can ride out the worst parts of a depressive episode.

For loved ones

If a loved one or family member is having suicidal thoughts, don’t panic. Stay calm and listen to them. Offer advice but never berate them. It’s important to show respect to those who have these thoughts while reminding them why you believe that suicide is never the answer.

Having suicidal thoughts doesn’t make you a bad person or a coward. It simply means that you need help. Never be afraid to ask for this help either, it could make the difference that you need.

Talking with someone could even change your entire view of suicide altogether. I send you my love and ask you to promise me one thing.

…Just give it one more try.



View Comments

  • I know this sounds weird but if you suffer from neck and back problems and have suicidal thoughts, then maybe your atlas/axis vertebrae are misaligned.

  • I have always had difficulty associating suicide with cowardice, as that word is simply defined as lacking bravery or courage. There are a myriad of causes for suicide and isolating it with one word is not possible. It is the same with thoughts of suicide. The ending of one's life I usually think of as part of a life story, a story different in ways from all others. Condemning it with cowardice is thoughtless and in a way selfish.

    • Don,

      I agree. Never once have I thought of ending my life as being cowardly. It takes great strength to make such a decision, although I do not advocate this. There are so many great things about each and every one of us, and to me, suicide just eliminates the ability to discover those great things that are there. Not cowardly, just unfortunate, and not sticking around to be other beautiful things about life. For instance, each time I contemplated ending my life, I always caught a glimpse of why I shouldn't: my son, my family, the beauty and changing of nature and of course art! I start to think about food I love to eat, places I actually love to go, and I think of all the books I have yet to read. Those things and many more, keep me here. I think that is one of the keys of suicide prevention.

  • Try to - and then you might help.
    Things you can say -

    I want to understand
    I hate that you would feel that was a solution. What can I do if I'm scared you're thinking that way again.
    Even if you don't want to talk to me about it, I need you to know that I care deeply about this

  • This is the most crude and beautiful reality of every soul in earth, we cant be fine with ourselves all the time, but its just a transition that we really need to complete.

  • it's a simple fact, why to make it complicated!?
    actually that's lill fun too! - i'm not agree with committing suicide - but let's say that's a RELEASE for a Deep thinking mind! when the road gets tough your mind starts creating ways to release us and help, and If already you are little disappointed abt life so your mind can't think any better way than suicide! suicide means Not Existing Anymore and a Nought body will not feel sorrow anymore. The introverted people usually think of suicide much more than others.
    well, another point i'd like to mention is lill scary! look, Our rules and laws are somehow adapted from NATURE. through the Natural Selection Theory from Darwin we learn that if a body ain't Producer (=Helpful, Asset) then it must be removed from the cycle! so why not to accept the rule of Nature??? it seems like it's ok to commit suicide if you feel you're in vain then!
    but wait, another dimension, i'd like to remind you of Stephan Hawking. if ever ever sb had the right to suicide it was surely him. but look What Can A Human Make while in great adversities. i think even for the weakest of us there's another hope!
    to get your feelings managed and safe, i suggest TAKE THE LIFE EASY.
    have a beautiful day

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.