8 Signs of Visitation Dreams and How to Interpret Them

Published by
Andreea Vaduva, B.Sc. (Hons)

So-called visitation dreams or dreams in which we meet with our deceased friends or relatives could make us particularly nervous.

Some people claim that whenever visitation dreams occur, we will notice that the appearance of our deceased loved ones in our dream is not accidental.

The encounter with a deceased relative has a precise meaning. It can be a warning, news, or very important information for the person who dreams.

Psychics claim that if we have a seriously ill person in the family and a deceased relative speaks to us, the received message needs to be carefully considered as the spirit of a deceased person comes to convey a message.

Often, business people who are in financial trouble claim to receive a warning or a solution from their dead relatives or friends.

Also, spiritual people believe that those who have gone out into eternity may appear in the dream of the people they have loved in earthly life to help them escape tribulation.

Possible Interpretations

Dream interpretation from a religious perspective may stir you up. It suggests that the appearance of a deceased person in the dream means that s/he has not yet found peace. Moreover, religious books encourage additional rituals to satisfy the deceased’s desire.

From a psychological point of view, to dream of a deceased person can signify the end of one stage of your life. It can be “dead” feelings and interpersonal relationships that have been lost.

However, if the person you are dreaming of has recently died, you do not have to worry. It means that you still suffer, which is perfectly normal.

You may feel unmotivated, and you may feel as though you are not able to advance in life, no matter how hard you strive. So the deceased person in the dream can be part of you that you wish to leave behind.

Depending on the circumstances in which the deceased person appears in the dream, there are two further interpretations:

1) If the person participates in the action as if nothing had happened, but without having a leading role, then the dream is related to a latent sense of longing for the person, without causing you disturbing or intense feelings.

2) If the deceased person tries to advise you on something, it means that in real life, you need guidance, protection, and comfort. You may feel lonely and this is reflected in what you dream about. Such a dream, in which a spirit shows you the way, can be very refreshing in difficult times.

8 Signs of Visitation Dreams

Yet, it does not mean that dreaming of a person who has occupied an important place in your life is always an attempt at reconnection or a direct message from them. This is why there are a few characteristics of visitation dreams, according to psychics.

1. It Feels Real

Perhaps the most distinguishable characteristic of a visitation dream is that it feels vivid and real.

2. A Sensation of Comfort

When a loved person appears in our dream, you will wake up relaxed, reassured, and peaceful. If the dream makes you feel uncomfortable, worried, or scared, then it is unlikely that you have been visited by good spirits.

3. Clarity

The dream is not confusing. Whether the person communicates with you through words or actions, the message is clear. Symbolistic dreams that will leave you guessing are not visitation dreams.

4. Positive Behaviour

The person who visits our dreams is healthy, positive, calm, and never sad, sick, or injured. Furthermore, their behavior or message will not cause you distress.

5. The Deceased Person Appears Younger

Although this may not be a common characteristic, you may notice that the person visiting you appears younger than they looked when they passed away. This may mean that they felt at their best at a particular age.

6. Physical Experience

Since the dream feels real, every contact with the person will intensify the experience. For example, if you held hands, it is most likely that the feeling will be intense.

7. Sequences of the Dream

The action of the dream will not be made of pieces that you will have to connect in order to make sense of the spiritual message. The sequence of the events or words flow and follow an order.

8. Easy to Remember

Since the action, the message, and the overall experience feel real, it will be easier for you to remember and describe every aspect and sensation you experienced even in a few years’ time.

According to the spiritual perspective, the appearance of a deceased loved person in our dreams is a sign of love; that they are by our side, watching over us. You will certainly feel reassured and comfortable after they visit, even if it is for a brief moment.

If the dream makes you feel uncertain about the message or you experience fear, you could seek spiritual guidance from a priest or medium (depending on your beliefs) and find out how you can keep negative vibrational energy at a distance.


  1. https://www.psychologytoday.com
  2. https://www.huffingtonpost.com

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  • My Dad passed away less than 5 years ago. Last night I dreamed that he came to visit me. I was in my grandmother's house and as I stepped out through the gate into the sidewalk a car rolled by and Stopped. It was my Dad he looked just fine and healthy (he died in the hospital of respiratory related issues and had Cancer). He had come to see me. Here is the catch, It felt super real but the entire time I knew that he was actually dead and that this did not feel like a dream. Anyway he got out of the car we were talking calmly for a few minutes ( I do not really remember what about). After a few minutes he said that he had to go and that this may have been the las time he could come to visit me. He got back in the car and drove away as the car was getting farther it started to disappear (dissolve) in mid air. That was the end of the dream.

  • I was getting ready to go on a camping trip with one of my friends from my widow group. We were leaving the next day but I had not had a chance to pack yet. I fell asleep exhausted from preparing. I dreamed of my husband dead two years now. He looked handsome and strong big tough construction guy in life. He smiled a slow knowing sincere grin. He was wearing the jacket he used to wear when we used to go camping together. He looked at me and took off his jacket. He held it out to me . "Here take this with you". I woke up thinking where is that jacket? I located it in a back of a closet. I put it on it fit me like a dress as he was over a foot taller than me. I silently thanked him several times
    that trip as I didn't own a jacket in my wardrobe that was as warm as his oversized jacket

  • I dreamed of my husbands uncle who passed away over 10 years ago. He lived across the street from us and we loved him very much. In the dream I asked him if I could hug him and I did. He seemed peaceful but did not talk. I asked him to please help my son. My son is a freshman in college and is going through a very difficult time with depression. He is away at college and is really suffering. He wants desperately to get well. When I asked my uncle to help him....it was like I was struggling to get the words out...kind of strained paralyzed voice.

  • Hi, my name is Mary and I would like to share what I know to be a visiting dream on Thursday 24th of February. I was waken up by loud foot steps in our bungalow, I did not look at the time, our small dog was seating in our bed looking up at the bedroom door intensely as I waken my husband to say that the was somebody in the house. Just seconds before a was awaken be the heavy footsteps, I had a vision of a big shadow figure, I strongly felt to be a men, the colour of his whole body was light blue and said very clearly " A great war is coming". I did not take it in, and as soon as I woke up the foot steps could be hear by myself and husband, my dog rush to the front room and was found by my husband gently growing at the sofa. I did not think much of the mater and went back to sleep, only to awake abruptly at 4:44 am and having this strong feeling in my gut that the war had started. The following day I learned that Russia had invaded Ukraine just after 4 am.

  • My 91 yr old mother suffered a massive heart attack in Sept 2021 and passed one month later. I cared for her and it was a terrible suffering for her. Two weeks after her death, she visited me in a most vivid dream. First she leaned over and hugged me in her favorite housecoat, then all the sudden she opened up a curtain and she looked to be about 30-40 yrs old, she was a very beautiful woman when she was younger. She was so happy. She said, "you have to be very strong to get in to heaven." I felt a sense of closure and calmness after, but sobbed uncontrollably that day, I had to leave work. I know she is in heaven, and I know she's happy.

Published by
Andreea Vaduva, B.Sc. (Hons)