There are many ways to grow self-esteem. One of the most powerful ways to build self-esteem is affirmations. Affirmations for self-esteem may seem odd at first, and you may feel silly saying these things at first. Yet, it has been shown that affirmations for self-esteem are an influential way to feel more positive and more accepting of yourself.
Self-esteem is so important. It is a system of beliefs that help us to grow and give us the confidence to strive for our goals. Self-esteem is the foundation of how we view ourselves and where we develop our sense of self. Usually developed when we’re children, self-esteem can be difficult to grow when we get older, especially if it is something we lack. However, it is not impossible.
The stress of everyday life can wear on our self-esteem, so practising affirmations can be a great way to counteract the negativity. If you begin to integrate affirmations into your daily life, you will quickly see the benefits in a reduction of stress and a boost of confidence.
This article will serve as your beginners’ course in affirmations for self-esteem so you can get started on your journey to positivity and success. We will give you everything you need to know about affirmations and everything you need to get started.
Positive self-esteem affirmations are a surprising yet incredible tool for a happy and successful life. Affirmations for self-esteem are very simple. They are short phrases that you repeat to yourself at least once a day to remind yourself of who you are and what you deserve.
Affirmations are very personal, you can decide which ones are best for you and your goals. We have suggested a few below, but don’t be afraid to improvise a little for your personal objectives.
If you want to feel more comfortable in your own skin, remind yourself of what makes you beautiful. If you want to feel more confident, remind yourself of your strengths. They are incredibly simple and take next to no time to practice, but they can have great benefits in everyday life.
Studies have found that there is clear evidence that affirmations for self-esteem really work to target low self-esteem. Brief affirmations have been shown to boost academic performances in underperforming high school children when they began to use them at the beginning of a semester.
Results showed that participants who were under high levels of stress had problems performing problem-solving under pressurized conditions. Before the use of affirmations, they solved 50% fewer problems in the task than those who were not under stress. Once they began using affirmations before tasks, participants were shown to perform as highly as participants who were not under stress.
You can practice affirmations for self-esteem in a number of ways. The only thing you really need to do is to repeat them to yourself. Yet, you can do this once a day or a number of times, it’s up to you.
Most people choose to repeat their affirmations in the morning when they’re getting ready, and sometimes at night. When you choose to repeat them is up to you, but it can also be helpful to repeat them during the day when you’re feeling low or if you particularly need them. It’s surprisingly easy and can be hugely beneficial.
Affirmations for self-esteem may seem silly, and some people regard them as pointless. However, there is clear evidence that affirmations work and are instrumental in reducing stress and improving performance.
They take no time at all and the use of 30 seconds in the morning can change your entire outlook on life and yourself. Take the time to practice affirmations and see if they work for you. If they don’t, it’s not like you’ve wasted any time and you may just have a breakthrough.
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WHY AFFIRMATIONS DON'T WORK: Affirmations make you feel better about yourself - for awhile. Minutes, maybe hours. But then your negative and limiting beliefs creep back in, pushing out the new belief you brought in as an affirmation. There's a good reason why this happens so quickly: When you create anything new – a thought, a commitment, a new belief, your OLD beliefs are stimulated, and they jump up and re-assert themselves. Affirmations are like stomping on a weed in your garden, hoping that it will get the message and go away. But it only pisses off the weed and it grows back stronger. Until you pull the weed up by the roots - until you clear the old belief from the subconscious mind - you can't get the new belief (affirmation) to plant itself. It's like tossing your flower seeds on rocky, weedy ground. You might get one to grow, but it, too, will be quickly crowded out.
There's affirmation in Alcoholics Anonymous that is interesting to note. It goes: "God, help me to change the things I can, accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference." This stops the tendency of certain people to set unrealistic expectations and when not achieving them to feel depression or failure.
It's not an affirmation, it's a prayer.
The Serenity Prayer and it's beautiful ...
Written by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
Short form used in AA and other 12 step recovery groups
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
and the Wisdom to know the difference.
Long version ...
God grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the Wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time.
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as he did, this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would like it.
Trusting that he will make all things right,
If I surrender to his will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this world
And supremely happy in the next.