6 Things Dreaming about People from Your Past Means  

Deciphering dreams has always fascinated me. When we dream, our subconscious mind alerts us to a particular problem. Dreams use visual clues and hidden messages; a kind of code we have to analyse to understand the message. Dreams draw our attention to aspects of our life that need fixing. In…

Brandenn Bremmer: Why Did This Talented Child Prodigy Commit Suicide at 14?

Child prodigies like Brandenn Bremmer are rare. They are astoundingly gifted in certain areas, but because of this, they are taught with much older children. They can become isolated from their peers, have no friends their age, and be thrust into an adult world before they are mentally equipped. It’s…

The Narcissistic Abuse Cycle: 4 Phases of a Relationship with a Manipulator 

No one purposefully enters into a narcissistic relationship. We like people that make us feel good about ourselves. We are drawn to those who are friendly, generous and gregarious. We are programmed by evolution to be attracted to people that share common interests. And it is exactly these qualities that…

What Is the Narcissistic Stare? (And 8 More Non-Verbal Signs of a Narcissist)

Narcissists are an emotionless, grandiose, and self-entitled group of people who manipulate others for their use. If you have ever been involved with a narcissist, you’ll know that they employ many devious tactics to get what they want. What Is the Narcissistic Stare? One of these manipulative tools is the…