How Understanding the Five Thinking Styles Can Improve Your Chances of Success

Understanding how the five different thinking styles work can help you work better with others, communicate more effectively and achieve more. In Coping with Difficult Bosses, Robert Brahmson identifies five thinking styles we use most frequently. The five thinking styles are: Synthesist Thinkers Idealist Thinkers Pragmatist Thinkers Analyst Thinkers Realist Thinkers Synthesist…

8 Things That Freethinkers Do Differently

If you asked most people if they are freethinkers, the vast majority would automatically give a ‘yes’ response. Most people are lying to themselves, are you? Most people hold fixed beliefs about life in one way or another, and those beliefs are largely based on what they’ve been taught by…

Dealing with Anxiety: Harvard Psychologists Reveals a Science-Backed Approach

I believe Science has finally turned from medication to dealing with anxiety. This gets to the root of the problem, and we need a cure! As someone who has anxiety, I’ve suffered and dealt with the illness in many ways. The bad side: It sucks, plain and simple, the good…