Everyone has heard about the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, an enigmatic area in the Atlantic Ocean where vessels and aircraft disappear under unknown circumstances.

Here are 7 possible explanations of the mystery of the Bermuda triangle, some more feasible than others:

1. Secret military testing

Officially, the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) is a company engaged in testing of submarines and weapons. But there is a theory according to which this company is a means of the government to contact extraterrestrial civilizations and test various alien technologies.

Sounds unlikable, but some people believe this might be true.

2. Compass points to geographic, not magnetic north

Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on Earth where the magnetic compass points to true (geographic), not magnetic north. Usually, when plotting the ship, sailors take this difference into account.

So in those areas where the compass works in a different way. it is easier to get lost and crash into a reef.

3. Comet

According to this version, 11,000 years ago, a comet fell on the bottom of the ocean, exactly at the point of the famous Bermuda Triangle. The celestial body could have unusual electromagnetic properties, capable of disabling aircraft engines and navigation devices.

4. UFOs

According to this theory, an alien ship is hiding in the deep sea in order to study us and our technology. Or there is a kind of “gateway” to another dimension, unknown to humans. At the right moment, the ”door” opens and pulls ships and airplanes into it!

Sounds like a plot for a sci-fi movie, but it seems that some people seriously believe that this is what is happening in the Bermuda Triangle.

5. Methane Hydrate

Deep underneath the surface of the Bermuda Triangle, huge bubbles filled with methane hydrate are formed. When such a bubble gets big enough, it rises to the surface and forms a giant hill, and a ship slips off.

Then, the bubble bursts and forms a funnel, which pulls everything into it. In the case of an aircraft, a gas bubble rises in the air, comes in contact with a hot engine, and provokes an explosion.

6. Human factor

Bermuda Triangle is a quite busy place. The tropical climate and crystal clear blue waters attract tourists. Given the fast flow, the changeable weather, and a big number of twin islands, scattered throughout the region, it is really easy to go astray, run aground, or get lost.

7. Difficult weather conditions

The truth is that the sky over the Bermuda Triangle is quite frantic: cold and warm air masses collide constantly, leading to storms and hurricanes. Together with the fast-flowing Gulf Stream, this creates risky conditions for all kinds of transport.

As you can see from the above, there are many different explanations of the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Some sound totally unlikely, as if someone’s vivid imagination was a little too uncontrollable, while others are based on science and common sense.

Which explanation sounds the most feasible to you?

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