5 Technologies That Have Made It Possible to Read People’s Minds

The ability to read people’s minds still belongs to science fiction, but, in fact, neuroscience has already taken tangible steps toward making it a reality. Here are some of the recent technological advances that allowed researchers to “crack” the human mind. 1. Extracting words directly from the human brain Neuroscientists…

Israeli Scientists Create a ‘Black Hole’ in Their Lab to Prove Hawking’s Theory

In 1974, prominent physicist Stephen Hawking shocked his colleagues by claiming that black holes emit radiation. Forty years later, a laboratory experiment seems to have confirmed his theory. The study is published in the journal «Nature Physics». Black holes – points in space where the density of matter approaches infinity…

Is Consciousness After Death Possible? Largest Study on Near-Death Experiences

Is consciousness after death possible? As shown by the largest study to date on near-death experiences, there is a possibility that conscious awareness can be maintained for a few minutes after clinical death. Clinical death Before the modern advances in medicine, death was defined as the cessation of cardiac and…

The Genome of Domestic Cat Fully Decoded

Are you a cat lover? It seems that we just uncovered new knowledge about our furry friends and their DNA. After seven years of research efforts, American scientists were able to decode the entire genome of the domestic cat. There had been other attempts to decode the genome of the…

5 Amazing Ways Meditation Can Affect and Change Your Body

It is a wide-known fact that meditation is a powerful tool against stress, fatigue, and anxiety. However, numerous scientific studies have shown that mindfulness not only makes you relaxed and helps you unleash your inner potential but can also significantly benefit your health and affect your body on a physical…