6 Ways to Turn Being an Empath into Your Greatest Gift

Being an empath can be tough sometimes, but there are some ways to prevent emotional draining. Empaths are highly attuned to the emotions of others. They feel what others feel and this can sometimes be overwhelming. Empaths can bring light and love into the world with their compassion and understanding,…

How We Are Being Manipulated into Having Irrational Fears and Worrying about the Wrong Things

The mainstream mass media are constantly manipulating us into having irrational fears. Statistically speaking, you are more likely to die from eating a biscuit than from terrorism or an epidemic. Yet, very few people have a morbid fear of biscuits. So why do we have so irrational fears? Why do…

7 Struggles Only Highly Intelligent People Will Understand (and How to Overcome Them)

Being smart has huge benefits, but it isn’t always easy. Here are seven problems highly intelligent people often have and a few ways to overcome them. 1. Highly intelligent people can be under more pressure to achieve success For people who have always done well academically, there can be huge…

5 Spiritual Beliefs That Are Now Finally Being Recognized by Science

From the most ancient times, human beings have used spiritual beliefs to understand the world. These beliefs have often been dismissed as irrational and untrue. Still, science is recently discovering that there may be something more to them. Spiritual beliefs and ideas and their scientific basis: 1. Time is an…

Here Is How Being Bad-Tempered and Grumpy Can Actually Be Good for You

Do you ever feel bad-tempered and grumpy? You will be surprised to learn that you can actually benefit from these negative emotions. We all aspire to be happy. Everywhere we go we receive advice about how to increase our happiness, be more positive and dream big. We seem to assume…