Real-Life Hobbits Once Lived on Earth: Who Were the Hobbit-Like Human Ancestors?

Every time fossils are found, we wait in anticipation for the unveiling of a new bundle of information. With each discovery, we find that we are varied creatures, which with time, have branched out in numerous directions and ancient pathways. What if there even were real-life hobbits? A recent analysis…

Photographer Creates Striking Portraits That Capture the Beauty of Solitude

The world is such a social machine. It seems that the norm revolves around people, our interactions and relationships. There is, however, a more intimate relationship, and it’s the one you have with yourself. There comes a time for introspection, gazing down into your own soul. Where is the time…

Artist Creates Digital Paintings of Dreamlike Worlds and Surreal Landscapes

There is another world, inside your imagination, where the nonsensical makes sense, or does it? Pushing the boundaries of the imagination is what artists sometimes do best. Gediminas Pranckevicius, to name only one, creates a story by using some of the strangest definitions of life. From dreamlike worlds with trees…