What secrets does the human brain hide? Latest discoveries in neuroscience & cognitive science and unbelievable facts about the human brain
Experts from the United States set out to find out whether a person is capable of seeing their own hands in complete darkness and wearing a light-tight bandage over their eyes, without using their physical vision and relying only on the unconscious brain activity. Scientists tried to find out how…
Contrary to one of the tenets of biology, the neurons of the brain show high genetic diversity. One of the main dogmas of modern biology is that all somatic (asexual) cells of the body have exactly the same gene. In different cells, it only manifests itself in a different way…
Dr. Joe Dispenza claims that every time we learn something new, hundreds of thousands of our neurons change, which affects the state of our physical body. According to him, there is a link between matter and consciousness. Dr. Dispenza is known worldwide for his original theory of the connection between…
In 1955, one of the greatest thinkers of all time died. Who could imagine that decades after his death, his unique brain would reveal the secret of what makes a genius. I’m referring to Albert Einstein, of course. What mysteries does Einstein's brain hide? What makes it so unique? Let's…
Some kind of eternal life can be possible with the help of technology, according to the physicist Stephen Hawking. Could we become immortal in the future? The 71-year-old eminent scientist, speaking at the premiere of a film about his life, said that if the brain can function outside of the…
The brain treats psychological pain in the same way it treats physical pain, producing a sort of 'natural painkillers', reveals a new study. According to scientists from the Medical School of the University of Michigan, the brain activates the same 'painkiller' mechanisms to relieve mental pain, caused by social rejection,…
Everyone has limits, for example, how fast you can run or how long you can stay without water. But what about the limitations of our five senses such as vision, which in essence are the tools we use to perceive our environment? Approximately one-quarter of the brain is involved in…
Most likely, you have experienced a sudden strange falling sensation when going to sleep, which rudely awakens you. In reality, it is not a dream of falling, which happens in deep sleep, but an instant physical sensation that wakes us and is accompanied by a hallucination, not a dream. Scientists…