What Is the Spotlight Effect and How It Alters Your Perception of Other People

Even if you have never heard about the spotlight effect, it is likely that it influences your perception without you even realizing it. It is a term in psychology which describes our tendency to think that everyone notices the nuances of our behaviour, appearance, etc. What Causes the Spotlight Effect?…

How Black-And-White Thinking Distorts Your Perception of Life and How to Stop It

The black-and-white thinking divides reality into light and dark with a clean-cut, canceling its complexity, ambiguity, and every nuance. It makes us think in terms of "all or nothing". Exercising all-or-nothing thinking means believing that things can be completely right or totally wrong, that people are either friends or foes,…

Cognitive Restructuring: Reframe Your Negative Thoughts and Limiting Beliefs

Also known as cognitive reframing, cognitive restructuring "is a technique drawn from cognitive therapy that can help people identify, challenge and alter stress-inducing thought patterns and beliefs" while learning how to develop new sets of stress coping mechanism skills. This method is highly used in treating patients who suffer from…

7 Distorted Thinking Traps That Even Intelligent People Fall into

We may think we are rational human beings, but actually, we are often swayed by distorted thinking patterns called cognitive biases. Our brains are complicated. We may think that we are always rational and make the best decisions based on available evidence. However, our thinking processes can sometimes be led…