How Social Rejection Fuels Creativity in Independent People

It seems that for those with an independent self-concept, social rejection can increase their creativity levels, studies showed. Social acceptance and the need to belong As human beings, we are often conflicted between the need to be liked and the need to be different. Human beings are fundamentally tribal. In…

5 Challenges Only an Introverted Woman Will Understand

If you are an introverted woman, you probably identify with the challenges described in this article. That’s it. I’m an introvert. Moreover, I’m a woman. Here is my confession of an introverted woman who sometimes hates the extrovert-focalized world, who sometimes leaves for a weekend to the country where no…

How Consumerism and Materialism of Modern Society Make Us Unhappy, Lonely and Unconfident

Research has associated consumerism and materialism with low self-esteem and the feelings of loneliness and unhappiness. A series of studies published in the journal, Motivation and Emotion showed that as people become more materialistic, their sense of wellbeing and purpose is reduced and if they become less materialistic, it rises.…

Phone Anxiety: the Fear of Talking on the Phone (and How to Get Over It)

Do you find yourself feeling anxious when you are talking on the phone? Chances are you have phone anxiety. Phone anxiety may sound like a silly idea in our age when it's impossible to imagine our life without a smartphone in our hands. Still, except for bringing us all kinds…

Why It’s Hard to Be an Introverted Person in an Extroverted World

It can be hard for an introverted person to be accepted in many cultures today. In the worlds of commerce, business, advertising and even traditionally solitary jobs such as writing, the ‘culture of personality’ is king. People are expected to work in open plan offices, brainstorm ideas, market themselves, socialize…