Modern technology has advanced so far that people are constantly getting more knowledge about outer space.

Here are some of the latest space discoveries which deemed to be the most outstanding.

10. The discovery of new Pluto’s satellites

The first satellite of the distant planet was captured in 1978 and was named Charon. Later, in 2005, scientists have spotted two more natural satellites near Pluto: Nix and Hydra. The most recently discovered satellite was spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2011. It is named P4.

9. Enormous magnetic distortions around the Sun

During the ’50s of the last century, scientists from NASA have postulated the presence of giant magnetic wheels existing in the solar system. Back then, the experts believed that it was a relatively “quiet” locale. However, in 2007-2008, researchers came to the conclusion that there is tremendous magnetic turbulence and it spans across almost a hundred million miles.

These areas are located at a distance of ten billion kilometers from Earth.

8. The discovery of Mira A Star Tail

A binary star system is a traveling giant planet, located far away from Earth. In 2007, The GALE Mars rover using an ultraviolet scan revealed a tail of the star, which stretches for 13 light-years. This result surprised astronomers.

The star travels across the universe at 300 000 km/h.

7. The discovery of water on the moon

In October 2009, NASA’s LCROSS lunar rover found traces of water on the Earth’s natural satellite. The liquid that is suitable for drinking, is found in the southern part of the Moon. Scientists have found that water origin is the result of endless bombardment by comets.

6. A dwarf planet Eris

In 2005, space scientists have discovered a new planet in the solar system and named it Eris. Later, the planet was classified as a dwarf planet, because it is smaller than the size of Pluto.

Eris has one moon, which is named Dysnomia. These are the most distant known objects that orbit the sun.

5. Martian waterfalls

Last year, NASA scientists released data showing that water is present on Mars. Mars rover had taken photos, which showed liquid water that penetrates to the surface of the planet. The researchers believe that this “water” is salty.

This became the first proof of the existence of a liquid on Mars.

4. Geysers on Saturn’s moon

In 2004, the Cassini spacecraft reached the orbit of Saturn and explored the satellite of the planet, called Enceladus. After a year of research, the spacecraft captured geysers that are active on the surface. Since then, Enceladus is believed to be the most likely place to find life forms, other than Earth.

3. Dark Flow

In 2008, scientists have faced yet another space mystery. The researchers stumbled upon the dark flow. This flow is described as moving at a high speed through the universe to some distant point. This space discovery gives every reason to believe that somewhere far away there might be a parallel universe that emerged as a result of the Big Bang.

2. The planets outside of the solar system

The first planets outside the zone of their sun’s gravity were discovered by scientists in 1992. They were relatively small. But three years later, researchers stumbled upon a large celestial body that orbits around the 51 Pegasus star system.

Currently, a number of known planets not revolving around their sun is close to a thousand.

1. Planet in the area of ​​life

At the end of 2011, NASA scientists announced that they had discovered a planet that orbits a Sun-like star, which was named Kepler-22b. In addition, the planet exists in a stretch of space where life could be found. Experts believe that Kepler-22b may presently be a suitable place for organic life to exist.

These are just some of the intriguing space discoveries of recent years. What other fascinating findings can we expect? Let’s wait and see, shall we?

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