What Is a Shadow Self and Why It’s Important to Embrace It

Carl Jung was the first psychiatrist to propose the theory that our minds are split into two very different archetypes: the persona and the shadow self. The persona is derived from a Latin word that means ‘mask’ and it means the person we present to the world, the person we…

What Are Emotional Triggers and How They Could Be Secretly Influencing Your Life

What are emotional triggers? Do you ever overreact to a comment by a friend or family member that really isn’t meant to upset you? At the same time, you feel like the rug has been whipped away from under your feet? Chances are you have certain emotional triggers and have…

Falling Dreams: Meanings and Interpretations That Reveal Important Things

Anyone who has experienced falling dreams will tell you that it is a terrifying experience. What does it mean when you see yourself falling in a dream? As frightening as falling dreams are, they are pretty common, and many people dream about falling in some form or another. It is…

What Are Automatic Negative Thoughts and How to Deal with Them

I have dealt with anxiety and panic attacks for most of my life, but it is only recently that I have realized how automatic negative thoughts nurture this anxious state of mind. Automatic negative thoughts don’t just affect those who suffer from panic and anxiety, they are typically associated with…

8 Weird Psychopathic Traits Revealed by Studies

Recent psychological studies reveal some really weird psychopathic traits, some of which may surprise you. We now know that psychopaths are not necessarily cold-hearted killers who frequently go on murderous sprees, operating on the fringes of society. There are some psychopathic traits, however, identified by experts such as Robert Hare,…

5 Psychological Theories That Will Change Your Life

Psychological theories give us insight into our behavior and provide answers as to why we do the things we do. Some of those could even change your life. As human beings, we love to talk and learn about ourselves, ever striving to delve deeper into what motivates us. Sometimes, however,…