Humans Express Only Four Primary Emotions, Study Finds

A recent study has found that we express just four primary emotions.  It also revealed some remarkable evolutionary mechanisms behind our emotions. Human beings are extraordinary creatures as we are the only species that express our emotions through our facial expressions. It is generally accepted that there are six primary…

5 Conflict Styles That Will Help You Resolve Any Argument in a Clever Way

There are five different conflict styles and each has its own advantages and uses. Let’s find out how they can help you resolve any conflict. There are many types of arguments: ones that have been brewing for years, others that arise out of nowhere, and some that are resolved within…

10 Stress Management Techniques Backed by Science

Stress can affect anyone at any time in their life, but knowing and using clever stress management techniques is a sure-fire way of relieving it. Too much stress can have dire consequences in both our professional and private lives. Whereas medication can be a short-term solution, there are many other…

7 Signs You Have an Emotional Blockage That Prevents You from Being Happy

We form an emotional blockage when we don’t express our emotions in a healthy way. Could you be blocking your emotions to an extent that it makes you unhappy? Healthy emotions, expressed freely and without barriers, are the key to a healthy body and mind. What this means is that…

19 Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms That May Explain Your Mood in Winter

Seasonal affective disorder symptoms are estimated to affect around 20% of people in the US. Could you be among them? Life naturally seems to slow down in winter, with certain animals bedding in for the harsh months, only stirring when spring has arrived. But we are human beings and cannot…

10 Psychological Complexes That May Be Secretly Poisoning Your Life

Psychological complexes are distorted sensory and thought patterns that lead to unnatural behavior and are typically deep-rooted in a person’s psyche. Psychological complexes affect how a person sees themselves, how they behave towards others and can have a huge impact on that person’s life. It is not known how a…

What Is a Shadow Self and Why It’s Important to Embrace It

Carl Jung was the first psychiatrist to propose the theory that our minds are split into two very different archetypes: the persona and the shadow self. The persona is derived from a Latin word that means ‘mask’ and it means the person we present to the world, the person we…