8 Sneaky Tools of Narcissistic Manipulation and How to Recognize Them

Narcissistic manipulation comes in many different forms. In order not to become a victim of this dark personality type, it’s important to know which manipulation techniques narcissists use. If you have ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, you might have wondered how on earth you got involved with…

INTJ Careers: What Are the Best Jobs for the Architect Personality Type?

Do you have the architect personality type? If you are searching for the best INTJ careers, here are some suggestions for you. Did you know that just 2% of the population have the INTJ personality type? This makes INTJs one of the rarest types in the Myers-Briggs Test. INTJ stands…

4 Behavioral Psychology Experiments That Suggest We Don’t Have Free Will

Behavioral psychology reveals some really disturbing truths about the human nature. These experiments show that we don’t really have free will. We all like to think of ourselves as going through life, making important decisions without influence from external forces. But there are some behavioral psychology experiments that suggest we…

8 Reasons Releasing Anger Is Crucial for Your Mental and Physical Health

Anger as an emotion can be good or bad, it all depends on the circumstances. Releasing anger is necessary and here is why. Anger is a primitive defense mechanism that kept us safe thousands of years ago, but is it necessary in today’s society? We live in a civilised society,…

10 Carl Jung Quotes That Teach Profound Life Lessons

Here are some powerful Carl Jung quotes about life. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology. Jung developed many concepts including extroverted and introverted personality types, the collective unconscious and is still influential in psychiatry today. Many of Carl Jung quotes about life are widely known…

Humans Express Only Four Primary Emotions, Study Finds

A recent study has found that we express just four primary emotions.  It also revealed some remarkable evolutionary mechanisms behind our emotions. Human beings are extraordinary creatures as we are the only species that express our emotions through our facial expressions. It is generally accepted that there are six primary…

5 Conflict Styles That Will Help You Resolve Any Argument in a Clever Way

There are five different conflict styles and each has its own advantages and uses. Let’s find out how they can help you resolve any conflict. There are many types of arguments: ones that have been brewing for years, others that arise out of nowhere, and some that are resolved within…