4 Types of Difficult People and How to Distance Yourself from Them

We all have difficult people in our lives who drain our energy and time. The point is to learn how to distance yourself from them. Being around positive and encouraging people naturally makes you more positive and enables you to be the best that you can be. Likewise, if you…

Myers-Briggs Types of Personality and Their Greatest Strengths & Weaknesses

Myers-Briggs types are a popular classification of different types of personality. It uses one main principle at its core: do you prefer one trait over another? The Myers-Briggs types are based on 4 criteria: Extraversion/E or Introversion/I Sensing/S or Intuition/N Thinking/T or Feeling/F Judgment/J or Perception/P Much research has been carried…

What Is a Highly Sensitive Person and How to Find Out If You Are One

What is a highly sensitive person and what does it mean to be one? Before Elaine Aron coined the term Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) over ten years ago, people who had these characteristics were often wrongly diagnosed as neurotic, timid, or introverted. In her book ‘The Highly Sensitive Person’, Aron…

How Complaining Rewires Your Brain for Negativity and Literally Kills You

Complaining can be much worse for you than you thought, according to neuroscience. We tend to feel a lot better once we’ve had a good moan. Getting things off our chests seems to relieve a burden or two, and who hasn’t heard of the old adage ‘a problem shared is…

9 Things Emotionally Strong People Never Do

Emotions can make us do many things, and can influence our everyday lives and decisions. However, emotionally strong people tend to avoid particular behaviours and actions. Emotionally strong people typically show certain characteristics. Here are 9 of them: 1. They don’t follow the crowd Emotionally strong people are happy to…