9 Defense Mechanisms People Commonly Hide Behind

Defense mechanisms are what some people use to defend themselves against unpleasant thoughts or feelings. Most defense mechanisms are rooted in our subconscious, which means we do not know when we are using them. In psychodynamic theory, psychologists describe defense mechanisms as a way of distancing ourselves from being fully…

8 Signs You Are an Introverted Narcissist, Not Just a Sensitive Introvert

Could you be an introverted narcissist? Below, you will find eight signs that might help you. Narcissism. It’s everywhere you look. From the endless selfies of today’s younger generation to the diva demands of precious celebrities. That’s the whole point with narcissists, they are easy to recognize. But what if…

Personality Psychology Reveals 10 Surprising Insights about Personality

These insights from personality psychology may seem surprising and weird at first, yet, they are based on actual scientific studies. With so many tests out there that measure personality traits, you would think that we pretty much know all there is to know about ourselves. But the science of personality…

Avoidant Personality Disorder: What Happens When the Fear of Rejection Grows into Mental Illness

Avoidant personality disorder (APD) is not just the everyday worries that the majority of us suffer from. We all fear rejection and embarrassment in social situations, these are classed as normal feelings, but what if you had a lifelong and deeply ingrained fear of being rejected that was so rooted…

Top 20 Weirdest and Rarest Mental Illnesses You Won’t Believe Exist

We've all heard of depression and anxiety, but when it comes to obscure mental illnesses, we're not so well-informed. The human mind is relatively unchartered territory, and incredibly complex, but despite this, psychiatrists have managed to catalogue some pretty unusual and unexpected mental illnesses. Here are just twenty of them:…

8 Signs of a Passive-Aggressive Personality & How to Recognize It

A passive-aggressive personality is undoubtedly the most frustrating personality type to come across. By the time you’ve worked out that someone is being passive-aggressive, you have already thought that you were the one going mad. Passive-aggressive behaviour is defined as ‘indirect expression of hostility through passive methods.’ So how can…