How to Win the Silent Treatment and 5 Types of People Who Love Using It

It is possible to learn how to win the silent treatment. You just have to stay strong against the pressures of guilt and manipulation. In my younger years, the silent treatment caused me massive amounts of pain and suffering. I guess it was because I just hated when someone I…

Problem-Focused Coping: How and When to Use It to Deal with Hardships

There are three ways to deal with problems: emotion, appraisal, and problem-focused coping. Let’s take a look at problem-focused coping and when it should be used. I hate when life throws a curveball, don’t you? Well, when problems occur, it makes sense to tackle that problem as soon as possible.…

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Is It Real?

It might sound like a science fiction story, but electromagnetic hypersensitivity is real for many people and said to be caused by a variety of factors. Although radiation levels are below the permitted levels, many people still seem to suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. So, what is electromagnetic hypersensitivity and is…

6 Ways Adult Children of Alcoholics Struggle Later in Life

Adult children of alcoholics suffer far beyond those traumatic years of watching their parents destroy themselves. There are damages left behind. Statistics are startling. The truth is, over 6 million children grow up with one or both parents stricken by alcoholism. In 1970, ALCOA (adult children of alcoholics) was formed,…

7 Ways a Genuine Smile Differs from a Fake One, According to Psychology

It’s always best to flash a genuine smile, don’t you think? However, it’s hard to tell when the difference between real and fake happiness. Unfortunately, people aren’t as forthcoming as we once thought when we were younger. They rarely ever show us a genuine smile. They sometimes tell lies and…

Six Thinking Hats Theory and How to Apply It to Problem-Solving

Critical thinking is used to solve problems. The six thinking hats theory looks at these same problems from all angles, thus making a better decision. Everyone has instincts, with some taking a positive approach to problem-solving while others are more acquainted with a critical standpoint. Both ways of making decisions…