NO MORE PASSWORDS! This Intelligent Keyboard Identifies Users from Their Typing

How would you feel if your electronic device, say your personal computer, could be accessed, without your permission, when you were gone? This is not a pleasant thought, I am sure. Electronics offer opportunities we otherwise could not experience, but, unfortunately, put our personal information into a format which can…

What Is the Mysterious White Spot on the Surface of Ceres?

NASA’s Dawn spacecraft left the Earth in 2007 and traveled to the nearest asteroid belt. The destination was a small dwarf planet named Ceres. This dwarf planet, which pricked our curiosity, came into view in January of 2015. But wait! We had to admire the scenery on the way there, right? In the year 2011,…

Stephen Hawking Is Working on a New Theory of Everything, Based on Gravitational Waves

Stephen Hawking has proven in the recent past that all things in space and time can be explained. Facts about our existence and how nothing became something great – he has channeled these answers from the cosmos. He has provided explanations causing scientists to re-evaluate their thinking. One of the…

New Theory States Milky Way Might Be a Giant Wormhole

Let’s consider a few astrological discoveries made in the previous year: Dark matter – it has been ascertained that dark matter is only as mysterious as dark energy, which gives us a deeper look into the riddles of space. Exoplanets, heavenly bodies in distant galaxies, have given a promise to…