Top 7 Most Toxic Relationship Patterns You Want to Avoid

Toxic relationship patterns differ from toxic actions. These repetitive behaviors are present in unhealthy relationships, and the patterns reveal truths. The toxic personality is a complex entity on its own, presenting various negative behaviors. When operating within a relationship, this personality style is amplified. Repeated toxic behavior reinforces control, power,…

8 Things Emotional Vampires Do to Feed Off Your Energy

Emotional vampires are parasitic humans that drain empaths and other sympathetic types of individuals. You’ll know them by their patterns and habits. There are certain things emotional vampires do to feed off your energy. If you thought vampires from books and movies were terrifying, there are worse things than those…

8 Phrases Fake People Use to Pretend to Be Nice

There are phrases fake people use to charm you. These words can sound incredibly genuine, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with some of those statements for your own protection. I know there are fake people worldwide, but I live in the Southern U.S., where people are especially good at…

7 Signs Someone Is Addicted to Drama (and How to Handle Them)

Being addicted to drama is not healthy, but I think you know that already. This drastic attention-seeking behavior comes from emotional desperation. Here is something you might not know: being addicted to drama is not necessarily a character flaw. Instead, many times it comes from some form of childhood trauma,…

7 Common Lies People Tell Themselves (That Cost Them Happiness)

The lies people tell themselves are damaging instead of productive. In fact, these little fallacies can steal happiness, stunting our emotional growth. If you say you’ve never told yourself a lie, then you’re lying. I mean, you’ve probably believed a few false things about yourself for years. These could be…