5 Science Fiction Books That Will Challenge Your Mind and Imagination

A good way to expand your mind and dive into the unknown can be simply achieved by reading a good book. What about science fiction books? Science fiction books are probably the best choice if you want to explore the outer and inner universe and even go on an unprecedented…

5 Mind-Bending Philosophical Theories That Will Make You Reconsider Your Entire Existence

Ever pondered about the very essence of reality? I sure have. On my path to learning about the fundamentals, I stumbled onto some really mind-bending philosophical theories. As is the case with many similar questions there were many people throughout history who have wondered and searched for those same answers.…

A 6-Step Guide to Achieving Any Goal Using Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is a process or a result of hypnosis which is self-induced. It relies on making use of self-suggestion. Self-hypnosis can make a person more suggestive than usual. The successful use of self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool for one’s personal development. Self-hypnosis is extensively being used in hypnotherapy. It may help in pain management and…

5 Easy Ways to Achieve a Meditative State Every Day

Perhaps you’ve heard about the various benefits meditation offers to one’s mind and body. Unlike many other health beneficial means and resources that offer one a chance for healing, longevity, and happiness, the meditative state offers pure and total fulfillment of one's being. A state of well-being, satisfaction, and a…

New Revolutionary Wearable Device Can Adjust Your Mindset in a Few Minutes

I have ALWAYS been uneasy about adjusting my state of consciousness via external means, yet even I’m enthusiastic about the social implications of the new “Thync” wearable technology. Some tech reviewers have been comparing its ambition-enhancing or emotionally centering effects to those of coffee or marijuana but without the downsides.…