Everything you need to know about dark personalities, manipulators, and abusers. Learn to recognize them and understand their game before it even starts.

Top Thriller Movies about the Intriguing Mysteries and the Dark Side of Human Psyche

For as long as I can remember, I have loved watching thriller movies, especially those from top movie lists. The darker the story, and twisted the plot the better. What I really love about watching thriller movies is that many of them deal with the darker side of our psyche.…

How Narcissistic Personality Is Formed: 4 Things That Turn Children into Narcissists

What causes someone to develop a narcissistic personality? Is it their environment, their genes, or could it be the way they were parented? There have been many studies that attempt to find out the origins of a narcissistic personality. Research suggests narcissism is created, not innate, and that certain factors…

What Is Emotional Blackmail and 5 Personality Types That Use It

In today’s time and age, emotional blackmail has become a common behavior trait found in most people. It causes the victims to feel vulnerable and answerable to those who they are close to or those who know them well. Relationships can either enhance one’s self-esteem or break it. Someone close…

Children of Abusive Parents Have These 6 Struggles Later in Life

Children of abusive parents don’t just suffer at the time the abuse is taking place, but later on in life as well. It’s not surprising that being a child of abusive parents leaves such long-lasting scars on one's soul. Consider that as children we are forming our most important attachments…

5 Conflict Resolution Techniques for Dealing with Drama Queens & High Conflict People

Drama queens and high conflict personalities can turn a small disagreement into a real hell. Here are some helpful conflict resolution techniques to use when dealing with them. Who are drama queens and high conflict personalities? Drama queens and high conflict personalities thrive on attention. They are fiery, strong-minded and…

5 Toxic Mother-Daughter Relationships Most People Think Are Normal

The thing about toxic mother-daughter relationships is that until you grow up, leave home, and discover other people’s family dynamics, everything seems normal. I was a person that didn’t realise I was in one of those toxic mother-daughter relationships until I began speaking to my sisters after my mother had…

What Is Family Manipulation and How to Recognize Its Warning Signs

Does family manipulation sound like a new thing? You may be surprised to learn that manipulation can come from anyone – be it, partners, mothers or fathers… even siblings. Partner manipulation has become pretty common. Many people have managed to get away from this sort of abusive relationship. However, manipulation…