Uncommon science: eye-opening scientific findings and impressive technological advances. Interesting facts and thought-provoking theories about Human, Earth and the Universe

The Deadly Higgs Field Could Destroy the Entire Universe: Should We Be Worried?

There have been rumors and rumors of rumors that say that the universe will be destroyed at any given moment. Warning signs are new each and every day, proclaiming that the conditions are just right for a cataclysmic happening. Is this true? Stephen Hawking wrote, in the preface of his new…

Reversing the Emotions of the Memory: Scientists Find a Way to Erase Negative Memories

Depression, anxiety and PTSD disorder - these conditions have one thing in common. They are built upon negative memories, sometimes even highly traumatic events called emotional associations or Valences. These Valences are directly responsible for reminiscence but in the negative form. Social anxieties and other disorders grow as the negative…

Psychedelic Therapy: Scientifically Confirmed Ways Psychedelic Drugs Can Treat Mental Disorders

In the midst of the “Ice Bucket Challenge” craze of going to help raise awareness for another worthy cause, psychedelic research. I’m going to approach this article a little differently; I’m going to write this as more of research (past and current) based summary than most typical articles. This is…

Daydreaming: a Surprising Way to Gain Insight into Your Life

“A daydream is a meal at which images are eaten. Some of us are gourmets, some gourmands, and a good many take their images precooked out of a can and swallow them down whole, absent-mindedly and with little relish.” Dreams have been at the center of Psychology’s most profound questions,…

Information and Your Brain: Does Technology Impact the Way Your Brain Values Information?

Ah, technology! A modern wonder! Technology certainly makes our lives easier and saves us time on many levels with all of the nifty smartphones, apps, programs, and not to mention the internet! But what is all of this convenience doing to our brains? My husband, tech guy extraordinaire, approached me…