5 Signs You May Be a Narcissist Without Even Knowing It

We’ve all heard the term narcissist and we all know it is mainly associated with a negative meaning. But what does being a narcissist actually mean? Well, according to the Psychologist’s manual DSM-V, there are nine criteria for having Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), but you only need to have five…

11 Struggles Only Overthinkers Will Understand

Overthinkers face daily challenges, worrying about and over analysing even the most insignificant situations. We are spending more time alone, and being inundated with various forms of online communication has made us more introspective. Suddenly, we are more concerned in regards to how we appear to others and what others…

Are You a Systemiser or an Empathiser? Learn How Your Music Playlist Reflects Your Personality

We all know that the music you listen to reflects your personality to some extent, but new scientific research has shown that your music playlist actually says a lot more about you than can simply be defined as subculture or genre. Psychologists have found that the type of music you…

The 9 Types of Intelligence: Which Do You Have?

We’ve all heard the term “intelligence”, but few people actually know that there are several types of intelligence that describe personalities and the ways in which our brains work. Psychologist Howard Gardner of Harvard University created the Multiple Intelligences Theory which explains the nine ways in which we apply intelligence…