7 Lesser-Known Signs of Cyberbullying

Many of us have encountered bullies in our lifetime and we recognize the indicators. However, can you pinpoint the signs of cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is sending intimidating messages or other forms of threatening communication through electronic devices as a form of bullying. These devices include smartphones, tablets, and computers. Intimidating messages can…

How Digital Literacy Sets You Up for Success and Ways to Improve It

Understanding your way around technology improves your chances in life. Digital literacy doesn’t mean reading a book online. The only difference between reading a physical book and reading online is a page versus a screen. There’s little learning in that because anyone can do it. Digital literacy means much more…

Cyberstalking: Examples, Tactics and How to Protect Yourself Online

Stalking in any form is insidious and menacing. However, cyberstalking takes this kind of threatening behaviour to frightening new levels. The internet has evolved to become the place in which we communicate effectively and quickly. For the vast majority of us, it is a safe and pleasant place to inhibit.…

Online Disinhibition Effect Explains Why Some People Become Jerks Online

Trolling others is a common refrain for people online. Indeed, this behavior has become so common that it is now intensively studied by psychologists. Psychologists call this behavior the ‘online disinhibition effect’. But what is it that makes people behave this way? Who are internet trolls? Are some people more…