You Were Raised by Emotionally Immature Parents If You Experienced These 32 Things 

Growing up, did you feel like you were the responsible adult and not your parents, or was every aspect of your life under their strict control? Did you feel rejected? Perhaps the constant mood swings made you insecure? If this sounds familiar, you could have been raised by emotionally immature…

You Were Raised by Emotionally Unavailable Parents If You Experienced These 25 Things

Does physical contact make you uncomfortable? Are you embarrassed by emotional outbursts? Do you wish you had more close relationships but you’re afraid of being abandoned? If you can relate to this, you may have grown up with emotionally unavailable parents, but these are the consequences. What are the signs?…

10 Symptoms of Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers That Haunt Them for a Lifetime 

How does a narcissistic mother affect her daughter? Will the daughter end up with narcissistic traits or will she become a people-pleaser? As with all human interactions, the answer is complicated. Narcissism influences parenting traits and this can affect children’s mental health. In this article, I'll identify 10 symptoms of…

10 Lifelong Scars Daughters of Elderly Narcissistic Mothers Have & How to Cope   

Mothers are typically our primary caregivers. They are our first contact with the outside world. They provide the security and warmth that gives us confidence growing up. Interactions with our mother, a tender touch, a reassuring smile, and some encouraging words validate our emotions and increase our self-worth. But not…