The Asch Experiment and the Uncomfortable Truth It Reveals about Human Nature

The Asch experiment reveals the true power of conformity. In fact, you might just see yourself in a whole new light! If you’ve ever wondered how your opinions can influence people, as well as how others can influence you, the Asch experiment is worth reading about in more detail. One…

Why People Who Are Always Right Have Got It All Wrong

We all know a person who thinks they are always right – and they are usually the most challenging! Someone who thinks they are always right could have a number of needs, according to psychological studies. Whether it is for selfish reasons, or perhaps they just cannot be proved wrong –…

The Psychology of Happiness: 5 Personality Traits That Predict Your Chances to Be Happy

What makes us happy? The pursuit of happiness is an age-old question. In fact, the psychology of happiness is a topic for much debate amongst experts. Some say chasing happiness can be self-defeating. Others believe living a meaningful life to be the key. Even the greatest minds of history have…

Spiritual Abuse in Cults: 6 Manipulation Tricks They Use to Recruit Members

Spiritual abuse in cults is rife. In fact, it is one of the most common ways cults use to recruit new members. But how do cults recruit normal people? How can someone change from having typical, healthy beliefs to extreme ideologies? Not only that but ones they are willing to…

Why Do People Procrastinate? An Answer That You May Have Never Considered

Are you procrastinating right now? Why do people procrastinate? Have you possibly considered the solution may lie in intuition? We have all referred to ourselves as the king or queen of procrastination. You know, that report you were supposed to file last week? Getting around to those chores you just hate…

What Plato’s Philosophy Can Teach Us about Life and Today’s Society

Plato’s philosophy is increasingly applicable to what we must learn today. His writings are based on justice, politics and political health; all of which are topics of heated discussion in today’s society. Plato makes strong connections between the character of the city and the character of the soul. It is…