If Intelligent Alien Civilizations Exist, How Could We Detect Them?

Any arguments on the subject of intelligent alien civilizations have always triggered a lot of assumptive statements. Whether they exist. Whether they are advanced. Whether they are intelligent. Whether they have reached the stage of civilization and technological progress. Whether they have been developing in the same way as we…

Sleep Disorders: Is It Possible to Die from a Lack of Sleep?

How severe can the consequences of sleep disorders be for physical and mental health? Oddly enough, neither the reasons nor the evolutionary origins of sleep are known to science. From the standpoint of nature, sleep is hardly something worthwhile. When a person or animal is sleeping, their mind is ‘turned…

Animal Consciousness: Are Animals Sentient Beings?

Is animal consciousness real? The problem of consciousness still remains confusing and is divided not so much among academic schools, but according to their philosophical approaches. What is it all about when we talk about consciousness? Is it a necessary part of complex cognitive processes of understanding the world? Are…