Can Your Mind Influence Your Genes? Unusual Theory

American biologist claims that genes can be affected by signals located in the external environment of the cell, such as thoughts, feelings, and emotions. According to cell biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton (formerly a professor of anatomy at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and now a researcher), this…

Psychologists Found a Rational Explanation of the Sixth Sense

Almost every one of us has ever experienced this strange feeling that something is not quite right. That something has changed around, but you find it impossible to understand what exactly it is. All attempts to find a sensible explanation and rationalize your experience just fail. The "sixth sense" is…

Quantum Internet, Li-Fi & Space Router: the Future of the Global Network

What will the Internet be like in the future? Let's explore the most remarkable technologies that could soon come into our lives. Quantum Teleportation Opens the Way for Quantum Internet! For the first time, an international team of physicists succeeded to teleport information into a solid-state quantum memory, which is…