Real-Life Hobbits Once Lived on Earth: Who Were the Hobbit-Like Human Ancestors?

Every time fossils are found, we wait in anticipation for the unveiling of a new bundle of information. With each discovery, we find that we are varied creatures, which with time, have branched out in numerous directions and ancient pathways. What if there even were real-life hobbits? A recent analysis…

11 Struggles Only Overthinkers Will Understand

Overthinkers face daily challenges, worrying about and over analysing even the most insignificant situations. We are spending more time alone, and being inundated with various forms of online communication has made us more introspective. Suddenly, we are more concerned in regards to how we appear to others and what others…

Can the Human Mind Influence the Physical World, According to Quantum Mechanics?

Our mind is the ultimate source of our understanding of the physical world. Without the thinking and analysis capabilities embedded in our brain, no measurement or experiment can be interpreted and lead to any meaningful result. The topic of the extent of the influence of human consciousness on natural processes…