How to Guess Someone’s Personality Type

Have you ever heard about the Myers-Briggs classification of personality types? You can't really go about socializing properly until you are able to at least somewhat read others' personalities – this enables you to gauge potential responses and reactions to your actions. This is a human thing! Everyone does it,…

Mysterious Network of Prehistoric Underground Tunnels Discovered Across Europe

Did you know that archaeological research has revealed a huge network that consists of thousands of underground tunnels? This enormous network dates back to Stone Age, stretching across Europe from Scotland to Turkey. Its original purpose still remains unknown, creating multiple theories and speculations. German archaeologist Dr. Heinrich Kusch, in…

This Is How Men and Women See Things Differently, According to Science

We all know that men and women see some things differently, both literally and figuratively speaking. A recent study sheds new light on the differences between the male and female brain regarding color perception. Have you ever been at a hardware store, attempting to pick a paint color for your home,…

Do We Live in One of Infinite Worlds in a Giant Multiverse?

The idea of the existence of infinite worlds has been fascinating scientific minds for centuries. Let's explore some of the most intriguing theories and studies that suggest our universe is not the only one. According to the conventional cosmic theory, our universe was created about 13.7 billion years ago in…

5 Everyday Ingredients That Damage Your Brain Health

We are often told which ingredients to avoid for weight loss and which to consume to improve our general physical appearance, but considering what we put into our bodies for our brain health is equally, if not more, important. We’ve covered the essential vitamins and brain food we should be…