Here Is How Being Bad-Tempered and Grumpy Can Actually Be Good for You

Do you ever feel bad-tempered and grumpy? You will be surprised to learn that you can actually benefit from these negative emotions. We all aspire to be happy. Everywhere we go we receive advice about how to increase our happiness, be more positive and dream big. We seem to assume…

6 Signs of Toxic People and How to Deal with Them

Toxic people are very common and can be found anywhere. It is, therefore, important to recognize the signs of toxic people to distance yourself from them before it's too late. In fact, it’s almost certain that we all have one in our lives – the grumpy co-worker, that gossiping aunty or…

6 Reasons Why More and More Parents Choose Homeschooling over Public Education

Nowadays, more and more parents seem to choose homeschooling over public school education, and there are some good reasons for this. What’s the purpose of education? What methods and techniques work best for children? The honest answer will be none and every. Clearly, it means that the “one size fits…

Men with Selfie Addiction Show Higher Psychopathic Tendencies

Selfie addiction can be directly linked to psychopathic behaviours and tendencies, a new study has found. We’re all guilty of indulging in the excessive vanity of the ‘selfie’, some even go as far as shamelessly taking selfies in public places. Smartphones are made for it; with the introduction of the…

Why the Silent Treatment Is Scientifically the Best Way to Deal with Difficult People

Throughout my years of living on this planet and dealing with some of the most unbearable people I have ever met, I very quickly found that the silent treatment is a very valuable weapon to have in your holster. It’s a quick way to make someone realise that they are…