4 Basic Types of Communication and How to Master Each of Them

Just talking to someone isn’t going to work anymore. You must understand the different types of communication. I can strike up a conversation with anyone, to be honest. But this doesn’t mean I’m utilizing a healthy form of communication. Some types of communication do not work as well as others,…

5 Remarkable Examples of Animal Intelligence That Will Leave You in Awe

Animal intelligence could stretch to more than just an elephant’s excellent memory! As these examples will reveal. The intelligence of animals surpasses what we realize. But the first question is, how is animal intelligence measured? There have been many experiments carried out that could prove animal intelligence really exists. We…

Feeling Anxious for No Reason? Why It Happens and How to Cope

When money becomes tight, careers get derailed by layoffs or loved ones face serious illnesses, most people naturally feel stressed, afraid and worried. However, why are some people feeling anxious for no obvious reason and are getting crushed under the force of intruding negative thoughts even when all is right…

3 Creepy Stephen Hawking’s Predictions about the Future of Humankind

There are some of Stephen Hawking's predictions that none of us want to be around to see – from the apocalypse to aliens. Several conspiracy theories have been placed in the very center of many of Stephen Hawking's statements. Many of them were just noticed at the time before his…