We do not have direct evidence that there is life on other planets and in interstellar space. And yet, there are some convincing reasons to believe that one day, we may find life even in our own solar system.

Here are seven reasons why it is worthy to believe that life could exist on other planets in the universe, waiting for us to find it.

1. Theory of evolution

It states that life adapts to environmental conditions. Though Darwin hardly thought about life on other planets when creating his theory of evolution, he argued that in a place habitable for life it will certainly take root.

So if we think that our environment is not only our planet but other planets and star systems, as well as interstellar space, an unusual interpretation of the theory of evolution can be made: maybe life can adapt even to the open space. Maybe, one day, we will meet up with really unimaginable living beings.

2. The mystery of the origin of life on Earth

Although there is a recognized theory about the origin of life on Earth, there is a mystery of how carbon molecules came to form fragile membranes, which eventually became cells. The more we learn about a hostile environment that existed on Earth when life was emerging and developing, the more questions arise about the origin of life.

According to the panspermia theory, single-celled life could have been brought to Earth by meteorites from somewhere else.

3. Variety and persistence of life on Earth

It is a fact that life on earth evolved in extremely difficult conditions, having survived ice ages, meteorite impacts, powerful volcanic eruptions, droughts, etc. Moreover, life on our planet has become very diverse in a relatively short period of time.

Why would not the same thing happen on another planet in our solar system, or even in another star system?

4. Extremophiles on Earth

Extremophiles are organisms that can survive in the extreme conditions of cold, heat, exposure to toxic chemicals, and even in the vacuum. These creatures can live in subglacial lakes in the Arctic or in the hot volcanic vents.

Tardigrades, amazing tiny organisms, can survive even in the vacuum. Thus we see that life can exist in such a hostile environment on Earth, therefore it can also exist on planets radically different from Earth.

5. A rapidly increasing number of Earth-like planets

In the last decade, a great number of planets outside the solar system were discovered, many of which are gas giants like Jupiter. However, technological advantages have allowed scientists to find smaller, solid planets like Earth.

Moreover, some of them are in the so-called “habitable zone”, i.e. at such a distance from their star that they approach the terrestrial temperatures. Given the great number of planets outside our solar system, there is a probability that there are forms of life on one of them.

6. Building blocks of life on other planets

It is believed that life on Earth began from chemical reactions that led to the formation of cell membranes and DNA. However, these chemical reactions could have begun from complex organic compounds, such as proteins, nucleic acids, etc.

There is evidence that such substances already exist on other planets. For example, they were found in Titan’s atmosphere and in the environment of the Orion Nebula.

Of course, this does not mean that there is life, but, according to many scientists, these substances contributed to the development of life on Earth. If they are common throughout the universe, it is likely that life emerged in other places too.

7. Oceans and lakes are very common in our solar system

Life on Earth emerged in the ocean, so it could happen in the same way on other planets. There is evidence that once there was water on Mars and on Titan, one of Saturn’s moons. It is also believed that once there was a big ocean on Jupiter’s moon Europa, covered with a thick ice layer.

Until we find solid evidence, the question of whether life exists on other planets rather than our own is going to puzzle us for long.

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Chris

    A good place to look for life is a planet with an abundance of free oxygen in its atmosphere. Oxygen is a highly reactive chemical which means that if it’s in the atmosphere, it must be getting produced by something (such as life) on a continuous basis.

  2. Paul Frehley

    Give me one freebie and I can explain the rest. The missing and most important part of this hypothesis is God

  3. Gordon

    God made everything! What a waste of space out there if nothing no one lives out there? They found a smashed up spaceship on the mares ? so there!!!

  4. Bruce Sinclair

    Given the immensity of the universe, and its vast numbers of stars (many of which presumably have satellite bodies like earth) it seems almost certain that in some cases (perhaps rare) conditions such as exist on Earth will similarly exist, and life generation as on earth be very probable.

  5. Joseph J DELUCA

    life is everywhere

  6. Joseph J DELUCA

    Life is eternal and will go in a circle in one form or another…MANY FORMS FROM THE SAME.

  7. Joseph J DELUCA

    is there a part of us that lives forever?

  8. Joseph J DELUCA

    this is a great place to give our ideas ….expand it.

  9. john

    Personally, I don’t think God had anything to do with life or creation however, I also believe everybody has the right to believe in whatever they choose as long as it does not interfere with others..

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