Are you looking for some food for thought? Intriguing theories and ideas, thought-provoking questions, books, and quotes to entertain your mind with

How Aristotle’s Philosophy Shaped the World We Live in Today

Probably one of the most famous of all philosophers, everyone has read something of Aristotle's philosophy. Mentioned more times than any other philosopher and he seems to be the founder of just about everything. Yet, in 2018, how can we attribute all of our knowledge to the wisdom of just…

What Plato’s Philosophy Can Teach Us about Life and Today’s Society

Plato’s philosophy is increasingly applicable to what we must learn today. His writings are based on justice, politics and political health; all of which are topics of heated discussion in today’s society. Plato makes strong connections between the character of the city and the character of the soul. It is…

Nietzsche Philosophy: 6 Misunderstood Ideas That Will Make You Think

Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most interesting figures in philosophy, yet also the most misunderstood. When reading his philosophical works, we must fully understand it before we can take away what Nietzsche intended. The philosophy of Nietzsche is complex on its first read. His language does not mean what you…

5 Profound Lessons Alan Watts’ Philosophy Teaches You about Life

Alan Watts' philosophy was nothing short of inspiring. Alan Watts was a 20th Century British philosopher known for popularising the Zen and Buddhist teachings in Western Society, moving them from a religion to a way of life. Writing over 25 books and holding over 400 lectures, Watts became one of…

7 Mind-Bending Psychological Thriller Movies with a Deep Meaning

The mind needs a workout, just like the body. Watch psychological thriller movies to get one. These films may not have Arnold Schwarzenegger abseiling down buildings or firing machine guns but have the sort of excitement that gets mental cogs turning. We introduce you to a few psychological thriller movies…