Everything you need to know about dark personalities, manipulators, and abusers. Learn to recognize them and understand their game before it even starts.

How Pathological Lying (Pseudologia Fantastica) Ruins Relationships

So many friendships and relationships have been destroyed by pathological lying. Sometimes it’s hard to see the truth of those lies. With pathological lying, there is usually an underlying personality disorder. Yes, people lie, and I lie too…gasp. But telling lies every once in a while and being a liar…

5 Signs of Toxic Adult Children and How to Deal with Them

With little effort on their part, toxic adult children are able to make others miserable with their dysfunctional traits. What’s worse than unruly children? I think that would be adults who act like children, those who have toxic traits and ruin the lives of others. And yes, they do this.…

How a Psychopath’s Brain Is Different from a Normal One and What It Means

Psychopathy is classed as an anti-social personality disorder, but could there be a difference in a psychopath’s brain that leads to psychopathic behaviour? When it comes to some of the most heinous acts of violence in human history, psychopaths are often to blame. We portray psychopaths in the media as…

6 Things That Make a Female Narcissist Different from a Male One

Narcissism is common across the genders, but is there a difference between a male and a female narcissist? You would think that there are shared narcissistic traits for both male and female narcissists, but, in actual fact, there are some interesting differences. However, before we go on to explore these…

How to Spot a Female Sociopath by These 6 Traits and Behaviors

Sociopaths move through society in the shadows. In terms of danger, female sociopath is the most powerful. With so many mental and personality disorders, it’s no wonder it’s hard for us to differentiate between them. I know I sometimes have a difficult time with this as well. When studying narcissism,…

5 Tools of Narcissistic Triangulation: Is Someone Doing This to You?

Narcissistic abuse is terrible enough, but having to deal with narcissistic triangulation is a whole other level of this illness. I’ve studied narcissism and other personality disorders for quite some time. I’ve learned about the traits and characteristics, and then, I discovered that we all have a certain level of…