Everything you need to know about dark personalities, manipulators, and abusers. Learn to recognize them and understand their game before it even starts.

What Is Narcissist Hoovering? 18 Worrying Signs It’s Happening to You 

Narcissist hoovering describes when a narcissist makes contact after a breakup or an absence. Narcissists contact you, even though the relationship has ended. Make no mistake, this contact doesn't necessarily mean you're important to them. In fact, hoovering shows a lack of respect. When a narcissist hoovers you, it’s because…

7 Phrases Conversational Narcissists Use to Have the Upper Hand

The term “conversational narcissist” may seem like a made-up term, but it’s not. This type of narcissist will constantly attempt to steal the conversation, however they can. Sounds familiar? A healthy exchange between two people would be an evenly spread two-way dialogue. Or rather, each person would have a chance…

19 Subtle Signs of Gaslighting Most People Ignore (But Shouldn’t)

Gaslighting has become the buzzword of the last decade. Most of us can state the obvious signs; deliberate isolation, demeaning behavior, making you doubt your memory, and second-guessing yourself. So, are there subtle signs of gaslighting? Gaslighting is an insidious way of controlling someone, but it doesn’t start with obvious…