Everything you need to know about dark personalities, manipulators, and abusers. Learn to recognize them and understand their game before it even starts.

9 Signs of a High-Functioning Psychopath: Is There One in Your Life?

Do you know the story of a respected neuroscientist who discovered he was a psychopath? James Fallon was studying brain scans, looking for the markers of psychopathy and other brain dysfunctions. As he went through the pile on his desk, one particular scan struck him as pathological. Unfortunately, the scan…

7 Manipulative Phrases Most People Think Are Normal

Did you know that manipulative phrases may seem normal to most people? It’s true. Many of the statements we make are used for control, gaslighting, and distortion, and sometimes we're the unknowing victims. Here’s a bit of truth to get started. Everyone uses manipulative phrases from time to time. However,…

19 Telltale Signs a Narcissist Is Done with You 

Relationships with narcissists are fraught at the best of times. Narcissistic people are selfish pathological liars, who will gaslight and exploit until you are no longer useful. Narcissists groom partners with a charm offensive that would put Disney to shame. Narcissists entice and beguile you, and so starts the manipulation…