Everything you need to know about dark personalities, manipulators, and abusers. Learn to recognize them and understand their game before it even starts.
Are they really friends, if they are friends who take advantage of you? I think not. The good news is, that you can identify them by what they say. In one word, I can explain what these “so-called” friends do: manipulation. That’s it! But sometimes manipulation is difficult to pinpoint.…
The world has two types of narcissists: overt and covert. They both crave attention and praise, but in different ways. The overt narcissist is grandiose exhibitionist, entitled and extroverted in their behavior. A covert narcissist feels unworthy, lacks confidence, is full of self-doubt, and is more introverted. As a result,…
Being addicted to drama is not healthy, but I think you know that already. This drastic attention-seeking behavior comes from emotional desperation. Here is something you might not know: being addicted to drama is not necessarily a character flaw. Instead, many times it comes from some form of childhood trauma,…
I don’t know about you, but I’m not great at thinking up witty comebacks. Actually, that’s not strictly true. I can think of funny things, but about 24 hours too late. That’s why I like to keep a running catalogue in my head, so I can pluck the perfect response…
How does a narcissistic mother affect her daughter? Will the daughter end up with narcissistic traits or will she become a people-pleaser? As with all human interactions, the answer is complicated. Narcissism influences parenting traits and this can affect children’s mental health. In this article, I'll identify 10 symptoms of…
We don’t associate narcissists with their empathy or their grasp of human emotions, so how do they react when they upset you? What goes through their mind when a narcissist sees you cry? Here are 13 things you can expect. 13 Things to Expect When a Narcissist Sees You Cry…
The things manipulators say dig deeply into your emotions. These statements cause you to doubt yourself and place more importance than you should on their words. Manipulators are masters of deceit. It’s difficult to notice what they’re doing sometimes, as they’ve wrapped their cape of lies around you. You’re enmeshed,…
What's the difference between normal teenage behaviors and toxic daughter signs? Picture the scene. It’s 2am in the morning and your 15-year-old daughter has just stumbled through the door, drunk and high. You’re worried out of your mind. You try to reason with her, but it ends up in a…